Steemit Food Challenge - My Romanian Pizza

I am back with a new romanian take on the challenge! Today's edition: PIZZA! Boom!! Let's begin!

Pizza: what's more Italian than that? ( pasta )

I love the story of pizza. It started as the food of peasants, who, after a hard day of work went home for a cheap meal: Bread, mozzarella and tomato sauce. That's what they usually call a pizza Napolitana. But of course, it eventually evolved to become a complex, surprising and creative Italian classic dish. The pizza pie is a canvas: paint it with your ingredients! Prosciutto et Funghi. Pineapple. Quattro Formaggi. The combinations are endless.
Today, pizza is eaten all over the world, fetishized in some places ( hello, New York!) and adored everywhere.

My idea here was, if pizza were invented in Romania what we would have used? The answer is obvious: fatty cheese and onions. That's what most of the romanian peasant used to eat after a day in the field: cheese, onion and bread.
And that's how Pizza Bucurestiana was born!

First, I made the dough. I LOVE kneading the pizza dough. Look, if you don't make your own dough, you're not making a pizza. And because it's SO easy, there are NO excuses. I'll tell you secret right here: pick a quantity of flour and add 60% water, one teaspoon of instant yeast and one teaspoon of salt. Knead until you get something like this:

Did I tell you that I LOVE KNEADING?

Leave the ball to rest for an hour and then spread it on your....well, I used a cast iron but you can use anything. After you spread it, add some tomato sauce and all the ingredients until it looks good.
My ingredients: romanian cheese( this is called "telemea" ), onion, hot peppers.

This is ready to go into the oven!

Now I KNOW I am supposed to show you the end result but...sad story...I ate it all then remembered I had to take some photos. On the bright side: It was delicious!

Thanks for reading!

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