Сiabatta - Steemit Food Challenge #2

I and my wife like ciabatta with different cheeses.

It is really simple recipe! All you need is l... patience.
200 kcal per 100g and detailed information about nutrients

And so, we need:

  • 440g wheat flour(4 cups) + some flour for table sprinkle
  • 300g water (2 cups)
  • 2g baker's yeast (active dry, 1 tsp)
  • 4g sugar (1 tsp)
  • 4g salt (1 tsp)


1: Mix all the ingredients

And cover with film

Leave for 10 hours.

2: Through 10 hours your dough will grown

Sprinkle the table with thick layer of flour

Put the dough from the bowl on the table

3: Then we take the edges and folds it to center

Repeat stage 3) about 3-5 times. In result

4: Twist it so it will like a spiral, and put on a baking sheet

It have to stay so 15 minutes

5: Through 15 minutes put it in the oven (180 Celsius degrees) for 50 minutes

6: Through 50 minutes take out from the oven

Bon Appetit!

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