Have Too Much Food In Your Garden? Give It Away! Join The "Food Is Free" Project This Year.

It's that time of year again, where we have too much produce for our family to eat, so the sign is out!


As our different crops become ready to harvest I add and remove the daily treats available to anyone in our community to come and have, yes, for free.

Giving, sharing, this is the kind of world I want to live in. Trading and bartering all good too! Let's cut out the vicious middle men and begin to truly live in a symbiotic way again. Strong communities make the parasitic systems obsolete.


We also rock this sign on our front door, trying to get the bug in people's ears about how simple it could be, to live a completely different kind of life. We have been doing this for 3 years now. It sure has struck up a lot of great conversations on our little road.

We have been able to give away quite a bit of food, meet amazing folks, who are now our friends. Sure, not everyone in our community is growing food now or anything, these things take time and we're in it for the long haul.

Living near historic Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, and with a huge factory across the road from us, we get many, many folks walking by all the time in the summer. If we stay persistent, I know things will catch on eventually.


Just seeing the smiles on their faces is good enough for me too. Folks may not stop to get food, yet I see their smiles when they admire our front "Lawn" turned into a sustainable gardening paradise...


So what do you think? If you grow food would you consider setting a little aside and putting up a Food Is Free sign?

Would you tear out some of your lawn and plant food?

If you do, make sure to use the FoodIsFree and GrowFoodNotLawns tag so I can resteem you and share your posts in my other networks!

I just put the sign up this afternoon so I don't have any success stories yet, however, be expecting updates and tales of the wonderful folks I meet, and the things we discuss, in the very near future.

And I am so happy to say that the Food Is Free Project has joined Steemit! Follow: @foodisfree

Here's an introduction to the movement for you to read: Hello! I'm John, founder of Food is Free Project, a worldwide network of front yard community gardens

Also, another fellow Steemian has joined the Food Is Free Project, from Spain! Follow @antje and read her first success story: We are with you "Food is Free Project" foodisfreeproject.org

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