Ever eaten a sea cucumber? I finally did!

Oh my, I never thought i would finally get to eat and taste a sea cucumber. I heard it can be eaten but I never really looked for it so I can eat it.

Then one day, my cousin got married. 😂 Okay yeah, she invited us to her wedding and all that last month. Of course we don't know her menu for the wedding reception right? So I had no clue what the food was. I just hoped it would be delicious. 😄

Anyway so there was a menu at the table when we got to the reception at Gloria Maris in Greenhills. Well not really a menu maybe but a list of the food that will be served (and dear lord did they come one after the other. 😱) And I saw that we will be served some sea cucumber.

Of course it got me all excited and all because, hey finally, i will know what it tastes like!

So we had some dessert and then some soup and it's like a full meal course you know since the food came one after the other. Must be how the rich get fed at high end restaurants eh? Am not one to go to fancy ones but i do hear or see or read about such.

Anyway the time came for more unique food to arrive at the table during the reception. And then the sea cucumber came! Hurray!

If you haven't eaten one before like I did, check out my pic of it below! 😜


And do you wanna know how it tastes like? Well... It tastes like gelatine, or to be more accurate it's in between a gelatine and cartilage. Cool huh.

How about you? Have you already tasted one too?

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