Pamcooks Leftover Maccaroni Munch!


Hey my fabulous Steemians!

My last post was my slow cooked lamb joint.That was an awfully big joint.I would say near enough the size of my 1 year old.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚We scoffed what we could but had a fair bit leftover.What do we do with the leftovers? I was going to make shredded lamb pitta but hubby felt like he was eating the same dinner again.He did not want the lamb being the core ingredient.

As I was rummaging through the lader I found half a packet of maccroni looking rather sorry for itself.So I decided to make Pam's leftover style macaroni cheese bake.


500g Macaroni Pasta

Lamb leftovers shredded

3 Small Mushrooms

500 ml Milk

3 TBSP Butter

3 TBSP Plain flour

1 Stock Cube

1 TBSP Carolina mustard sauce

1 TSP smoked Paprika

Pinch of Salt & Pepper

250g Cheese ( 100g Red Leicester,100g
Mozzerella, 50g mature cheddar


Step 1- Boil the pasta in water until pasta is aldente.

Step 2- Drain the water out the pasta and put the cooked pasta in a baking tray.

Step 3- In a seperate pan add butter and flour.Cook on a medium heat Gas Mark 4.

Step 4- Once the butter and flour formed a paste slowly pour the milk in, constantly whisking.

Step 5 - Add the stock cube in the mixture
add pinch of salt, South Carolina mustard, pepper and paprika.

Step 6- Now shred the leftover lamb in small pieces, I had leftover cauliflower and green peas.I took lamb and vegg and spreaded it evenly on the tray with some mushrooms.

Step 7- Put in your desired cheeses in the sauce, mix and pour all over the pasta and lamb leftovers.

Step 8 - Sprinkle with lots of cheese, place in the oven for 20 mins or until cheese is golden Brown.All you have to do is Plate up!

Now Enjoy............

My pre oven pic.

imageThis is my secret ingredient- not so secret anymore.

imageOooh bubbling away in the oven nicely.

imageMmmmmm yummy straight out the oven.

My lil kiddies dinners dished up.

imageDaddies Plate & if you ask I ate out the tray.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This is such a hearty and comforting dish.In my photos you can see the snow in my garden.It just is never ending.But the mac & cheese sure warmed our bellies! What made me smile were the hubby and kids were like, is there any leftover we want more.Well i was like, sure you can have the leftovers from the leftover of the leftovers I have made! Mummy can always make something out of nothing!!!( I dont know if thats a good trait or a bad one).πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I hope you like my Mac & Cheese.Try it out espec if you have roast leftovers like me.See how use get on with it.Let me know your Food for Thoughts!!!πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘ŒπŸ§€πŸ˜Š

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