Fruits of Mexico: rambutan, fragrant delicacy also known as “messy hair”

I am very sorry to disappoint all those who were expecting another Monday iguana shot today but I decided to go for the food photo contest this time. For some reason, I am really terrible at photographing meals so the only reasonable way for me to compete in this category is to submit some fruit shots and my today´s choice is the rambutan!
(we bought these rambutans from a street vendor while going to the beach, hence the sea/sandy set-up)

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A medium-sized tropical tree, the rambutan was once native only to Malaysia and Indonesia but these days, it is grown in most tropical regions all over the world, including Mexico.

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The name “rambutan” has its origin in the Malay-Indonesian language, meaning “hairy fruit” but there are several other names for this fruit, including the one that translates as “messy hair”.

Click on the image for full view

The rambutan is definitely one of the most bizarrely-looking fruits but don’t let the hairy exterior fool you. Once the hairy skin is peeled, you will get to the white, juicy and incredibly delicious flesh. It can be very difficult to describe the taste of some exotic fruits and the rambutan is one of them. It is somewhat similar to the lychee (both in consistency and taste), if it helps :)

Czech: Tak toto je rambutan, přátelé. Ovoce podivného vzezření ale o to lahodnější chuti. V ČR jsem ho ještě nikdy neviděl, ale párkrát už jsem (tuším, že to bylo v Kauflandu) narazil na liči, které je rambutanu chuťově dosti podobné. Myslím, že kromě místních gastro fandů by tento příspěvěk o "hairy fruit" mohl zajímat také @hairyfairy :D

This is also my entry for today´s #foodphotography contest organized by @juliank and @photocontests.

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