Fall Salads from Weeds and Flowers - original photos and foraging ID quiz

I had a really great salad yesterday, from weeds and flowers I picked here on my homestead. It didn't take long, just a quick walk around my yard. I really enjoy these kinds of salads. They are so fresh, tasty with complex flavors from having so many different plants, and really filling because they are so dense with nutrients!

Can you identify any of the 16 things that went into my salad? There are 14 different species in the mix.


I'm sorry you missed out on being able to read my post about foraging a fall salad from weeds and flowers. I removed my content because Steemit's 30-day period of active comments has expired - and I want to be able to hear from you. If you are interested in eating weeds, let me know in the comments to one of the active posts on my Steemit page. I will be happy to re-post my article on request.

I want to hear from you!

What weeds are you eating in your salads this fall? What weeds do you look forward to seeing again in the fall? If there are any specific plants from this salad, or others that I've posted about, that you want to know more about, let me know. I'll put together a post about it.

I write about foraging because I believe that we can all have lives that are richer, more secure, more grounded, and more interesting by getting to know the plants and the land around us – in our yards, our parks, and our wilderness.

I would like Steemit to be the premier site for Foraging on the Internet! If you have any thoughts about foraging, or experiences to share, write a post and be sure to use the Foraging tag. And check out the @foraging-trail to see curated quality posts about foraging. Happy Foraging!

** Haphazard Homestead **

*** foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land ***

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead - photos and all!

I participate in Operation Translation. All my posts are available for translation under the rules listed on the linked post from @papa-pepper. Logo provided by @oepc85. Post goes 100% to Steem Power! Logo provided by @merej99


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