Update on my situation


I missed spring break with my son.
I am going to miss easter with my son.
My worker refuses to answer my phone calls and she sent an email stating she might have found a supervisor for visits that was 2 days ago I called her today and we is not in the office to April 9th. This is so fucked. I did not abuse my child. I do not need all this shit.

Those that have this to me must be held accountable. I am losing everything it seems.

I have not seen my son in 29 days. I did not abuse my child. I am not a danger to my son.

Yet CFS and those in his school have coluded against me and must be held to account individually yet they beleive they should never be held to account in the legal kidnapping of my child.

As far as my work goes every name I can confirm as either a pedo or someone who solicits sex from former wards of CFS either works in government or schools this city is fucked right up and most do not care as they live in a bullshit world full of comforting lies as the world dies.

This whole process has largely fucked me up I really think this is not going to end well for me.

The schools lawyer threatened me using the word peril. I am in peril. All i care about has been robbed of me and those who have colluded against me are government sanctioned. Not one of these CFS shills know about the one party consent law. Yet they know all the legal kidnapping laws.

Am I to accept this?





The injustice being done to my family is sickening. Someone had to do something to fix our city.

I must continue my investigation and use acts of non violent protest but this whole process is killing me. I cannot take this shit much longer.

Holding on to the end of a rope here.

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