My Proposal, Questionnaire, Answered.

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

This post is more for the benefit of the present Alliance committee. My Bad! I did see this read it a few weeks ago, got caught up in some other thoughts and did not fill the questionnaire out. Thank you @LLfarms for bringing it to my attention again. In hindsight, I think filling out a form in type of application is a good thing. It means certain points will be covered by all proposals. Some may not apply to all, hopefully we do not have a proposal were all do not apply to some. I will try not to go off topic and waffle about all sorts of other things.

The vision I have is, doing the same thing as what Jobs did with Apple Gates with Windows Musk with Paypal. grow something really big. If they had the intention from the beginning to do the things they do now or not I do not know. What I see they did is to build a wealth that can do some benefit. I do wonder though, with the reduced costs of getting a satellite into orbit now with Musk's returnable rocket's. How much the burden of tax has reduced on the American public. Okay, moving off topic there. But I bet the cost is still the same.

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Structure Proposal Questionnaire

  • Overview/ Executive Summary- In a few paragraphs describe, in simple terms, your structure design and its purpose

I like the term Paddy Field to describe my project. Quite simply, Every proposal out there will look like a pyramid in some way. That does not have to be a bad thing, if something looks like a pyramid. Paddy fields rise in steps like a pyramid, All fields produce. The flow is downward and natural.

Steem is like the water at the top of a hill. We have the opportunity to make use of this water by building constructively. Building Paddy fields for the water to flow through makes best use of the water and the land.

One strong account growing the accounts that will be managed by the Steem community. With multiple accounts supported to grow, Each account is allocated a title. Curating. Platform development, Industry investment. Accounts, Community project support, Emergency fund, Steem physical community's. Legal team This is just eight of the potential titles to be allocated to the accounts. These represent the area's of expertise. Those who participate in curating may have no interest in financial statements from the community organisation as a whole. They would be more specified and the account titled Curating, will support through a vote to grow an account up to a desired level to function. This could be done with the same as with the original core account to 13 accounts. Not all accounts will always need support. Opening the door to invite new projects in and assist with their development.

Unlike the original core account that provided support originally. These accounts do not dissolve. As the projects below them gather their strength and no longer need as much support other projects to support will be around. We are going to need more then just one community curating in each area that gets curated. That would be literature, music, art and each of these again has sub-categories. We should aim for more to want the vote than we can give.

  • Purpose - What is the primary purpose of your structure?

The purpose of this structure is to add to the chain.

Take the chain to more people by integrated means.

Provide a greater advantage to everyone who cares to take advantage of the services we can provide.

Have Steem turn from an asset to a used currency.

Promote the Steem chain both on line and off.

Provide financial support to projects on the Steem chain with investment from FIAT world industry.

  • Primary Benefit(s) (of this structure) - What are the benefits of your structure design? What problems does it solve? How does it benefit the community?

There will always be a problem from somewhere by someone for some reason, we cannot negate everything unfortunately.
Projects in the community gain a greater support long term by the availability of funding which can be used without the need for the use of votes.

This would be used for items like a Sound studio that Steem members could make use of in each state. We can provide use of studio's to reduce the costs for Steem artists to produce quality recording.

Curators and publishing companies we can provide items for too. We can build a Printing house that will print and bind hard-back or soft-back physical copies of a book. Maybe Agroeed would use us to print up a few thousand special edition cards.

We can work to provide many things more than just a vote to support someone. It's what we can do.

  • Mission - What are the goals in this proposed foundation and how will they be achieved?
  • Organizational Structure - What will the actual structure of the foundation look like?

1 account supporting 13 accounts that support 169.

If you took just three of those away for Legal cost. (sending some of you to school so you can speak for us to establish rights and legal boundaries).

The Development team. For making apps or developing code.

Investment. Physical world companies.

With 10 accounts left. That is 130 projects. and 39 chain development and support

  • Foundation Members - How will the members of the foundation and their roles be decided?

This as yet. The best method to decide who does what is still in the air and a division is aloft of the best method.

Myself I favour a KYC Know Your Customer. People with a real consideration for the chain will not mind getting their account attested. Doing so will mean one person one vote. it will not mean one account one vote. The majority of members seem to hold more than one account. Some have accounts that go to the hundreds.

  • Leadership - What levels of leadership, if any, will be involved?

Off the bat, the ability to reward those who take up a position is not very viable and will stump the initial growth process. There will be no great benefit from the accounts in the initial beginning. This is a good thing as we go through some of the learning process of dispersing the authority of decision to a community instead of a boss. (compensation to those who begin this process should be reward later in some manner).

These positions will also become paid positions. This can attract people from all walks of life to apply for the position. We advertise them after we have developed the methods we wish to remain in the organization.

  • Community Involvement/Communication - What role does the community play in your structure? How will they be represented? How will communication be kept open?

For the most part, the exception of a few committee account, community's on the Steem chain will be the ones gaining a vote to their post in an effort to make working on Steem a greater proposition.

It will provide employment to those who manage the accounts.

  • Accountability - How will this foundation (under your structure) hold themselves accountable to the community? How, if any, will the community be able to remove members if they fail to hold true to the principles and mission put forth by the approved structure?

Is this not a question for after a structure is found, Any answer here is wrong until the chosen structure is there. Even then at that point discussion is needed on this to cover many areas that one person to answer alone without consultation is to let ones Ego talk.

The main thing here. Is which entity or more so multiple of entities do we entrust the keys to. I have said in previous, I would like to hold one of those accounts in order to grow physical world projects that can remunerate to the Steem chain. This account I would not hold the Owner key. Anyone in those positions should not hold the Owner key.

  • Fiat Legal Structure - What type of entity is it?

Non profit. No one owns it. Some may work in it, but everyone is the boss.

  • Foundation Funding - How will your structure be funded? Will it depend on fund-raising, profit based ideas, donations, etc?

Is this not what the proposal is for to get that support? An Initial delegation or contribution. So there is less of the going looking for delegations?

  • Project Funding - How will future projects be funded? What process will be included? What role, if any, does the community play in this?

Future projects can be decided by poll. Again voting method not decided yet. There are a few options available to this.

Using a voting poll can be as simple as the one who gets the most votes gets the prize.

The amount can be divided in three or four and allocated amounts depending on position a person came.

10 applicants for funding are placed for a vote at the same time. Each project gets that % of the funding available to correspond with the % of vote they got.

  • Collaboration/Interaction - How do you see your foundation design interacting with projects like the coming Steem Worker Proposal (Steem DAO) by Blocktrades?

When working with a private entity in a manner of collaboration I strongly feel we should be thinking about the Steem chain and not the effects something we may or may not do would have on an external entity.

While open to working with an establishing an integrated system which can compliment both parties, should at any point the integration become a cost to support a private entity we would hold the right to abandon the agreement without penalty.

This project although I am of the mind it can provide financial support to the Chain and pay the running costs of employed staff. Develop things in the physical world that benefit the Steem chain and build resorts that we can hold Steem festivals in.

We can do so much more,
I will leave some room for your dreams too.

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