The third Eier

She tried to laugh, not sure that it would propitiate him... or was it a her... or an it? The mirror showed her nothing but herself, the insincere grin painted on her face like a smear of badly applied lipstick – but only because she held her hand tightly against the thing. "Let me be," she pleaded. "I plan to have a family! I want to have a house... I want to be normal!" It sounded ridiculous even to herself - why would he... or she... or it... let her go now that it had taken up residence in her forehead? She tried to lift her hand. It was still there, had even grown a bit – a third eye in the shape of a fried egg. She didn't know how she knew, but its name was The third Eier. "Sunny side up," she said, and she could her the resignation in her own voice. "Sunny side up!"

(this is me trying to join @vermillionfox's writing contest it is all explained here: Foxtale contest)

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