FoxTales #5: Her

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It was two years ago when they met by chance and the events that day were still vividly painted in his memories. It was monday noon and the sun was unforgiving as it scorched the city like a microwave oven. Meanwhile, R was strolling around the park to cool himself. He saw a bench under a tree and he sat and slouch like he didn't care about the world. Suddenly, a lady holding a twin popsicle passed by. While opening the pack she noticed R looking at her with a "me want ice cream" face and looked liked he needed refreshment. She chuckled and offered half of it. Without hesitation, he gladly took it and said his thanks. As she walked away, he recalled he never saw her face since his attention was focused on the cool desert. He called out to her, "Wait! Can I buy you a drink sometime?". As she looked back at him, R was amazed by her beauty. He felt like the world had stopped just to capture that moment. A snapshot of her heart shaped face and almond eyes that shone silver under the sunlight and the smile that could melt the hardest of hearts. As time moved again, she replied with a chuckle, "Normally you ask the name first before asking her out.", she paused with a smile. "I'm Em. And you could buy me a drink if you tell me your name."

This is my entry for FoxTales contest week #5 :)
She posts a story image and contestants use it to make a story.
Read & Join the contest too:

You might also want to read my previous enrtries. They're somehow related. :)
Morning After The Confession
You've Got To Be Kidding Me

Thanks for reading


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