
Be warned: 18+ content


Ned looked unsure as I knelt and reached for his belt. In one fell movement I had it unfastened and his briefs visible. I kept my eyes glued on his as I slowly peeled off these to set free his more confident and eager member. I didn't need to look down, I knew what I was doing, and something told me Ned did too. For when we had kissed earlier, he had seemed cocksure about it all; literally and figuratively. And bar the current look in his eyes, it had always seemed to me in the past that he wished for this to happen. Well, today would be his evidence that wishes do come true. So I kept my eyes riveted on the face of my sister's boyfriend as I spat and sucked then pulled; again and again and again. And at that glorious moment when I felt rather than hear him call out my name, I knew it for a fact, and he must have done too. Ned may not be outright gay, but the look of pleasure on his face as his release serenaded that of his girlfriend's brother was enough to quell any impending doubts; Ned was bisexual, and our escapades had only just begun.

The End.

Written for @vermillionfox's fox tales. See link below...


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