Treating My Skin Cancer with Black Salve. Daily Report – Day 0

Have you ever heard about alternative treatments and cures for cancer, but never given them much credence, or have, but don't have any real life examples to rely on? Well now you will.

Hello my fellow steemies, and welcome to my daily blog for the treatment of my skin cancer, with the controversial product (within the medical industry, and multi billion dollar Cancer Research business) Black Salve.

A little background…

When I got my first skin cancer about 7-8 years ago, I did the “normal” thing. I went and saw a GP, got a referral and biopsy, and then I was placed onto the public health system waiting list. zzzzzzzzzzzz
Well, this particular BCC was very close to the canthus of my right eye, so the idea of having surgery there, considering how many nerves and nerve endings there are there, was not appealing to me.
So I put a post on Facebook that went something like this;
Hi, I know we have all heard about various alternative treatments for cancers, but has anyone had any real life, successful experience with this? hit me up.

Well, I’m glad that I did.

As a result of that post, I received a message from a friend of mine, who got me onto Black Salve. After a little research of my own, I contacted the institute offering it, ordered some, applied it, then 10 days later had the pleasure of watching it scab up, and fall off.

About 3 months later, I received a letter from the dermatology dept. of the public hospital, whose waiting list I was on, advising me of a pending appointment. In anticipation of this, I had kept the scab that came off, containing the clump of necrotic cancer cells, in a little plastic sample bag, and took the same with me to my appointment.

There, I explained that I had treated it myself with Black Salve, and to my amazement, discovered that the dermatologist was well aware of the product, and then commenced to berate me on what a fool I was, to have tried it.
He then went off for a few minutes and returned with the head of the dermatology department (the bow-tie dude), who then also reprimanded me. It went something like this;
“Blah, blah, blah blah, blah, you’re a fool, blah blah blah, we needed to do further tests on it, and now we cant!”
“That’s right”, I retorted, “Because It’s Gone!!”
He took about 2 steps back at this retort, looked at his colleague, and then they both left. About a half hour later, I was discharged from the outpatients dept.

A little context

Then in 2015, I got another one, on my arm. Not surprising really, given my history in the navy.
Having grown up in a military family, I joined the navy at the youngest age possible (15 ¾) and did an apprenticeship as a weapons technician. In this role, I was daily exposed to solvents and oils that in today’s world, would never make it into the public sector. Also due to the duration of time spent operating on, in, and around radar systems, I’ve probably been nuked more times than a 7/11 sausage roll.

Back to the present

One of the beauties of Black Salve is that it only reacts with carcinogenic cells, so over the years, I have applied it to suspicious looking spots, and even on a mole, just to test it, and indeed there were no reactions. So 4 days ago, I applied the Black Salve to a gnarly looking spot that had seemed to grow from an initial skin blemish. Bingo! It reacted.

Having just joined the steemit community, I have decided to share the daily progress of my treatment with you all.

As I applied the Black Salve 4 days ago, and given the daily posting restrictions on steemit and that I also have other projects that I’m blogging, my next daily report will be tomorrow, and will include pictures of Day’s 1, 2, 3 (today) and 4 (tomorrow). From there on the daily report will be live, so to speak.
Please note: As the treatment progresses, some of the images may be quite graphic in nature and therefore may distress some people. Please consider this before checking them out. The heading image will always be the same as this blog's image though, so as not to distress the unwary follower, checking their daily feed :)

Day 0 - The application.

The spot on my arm, before applying the Black Salve.

A close-up

The application of Black Salve onto the spot.
This only needs to be done once, then wiped off with a damp cloth 24 hours later.

I Applied the salve generously over the spot

I then put a dressing over the salve as it is quite sticky and messy.
It is also best to keep it dry for the 24 hour period, so as not to dilute the salve, or make it run.

And that's it. That's all you need to do. The salve takes care of it from there.

The average period of time for the salve to complete its work is around 10 days.

If this sounds like something you would like to follow, so you can check in on my daily progress, I invite you to do so.

Make sure to follow me, so that you know when each daily report comes out.

In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about Black Salve, this is one of the best video’s that I’ve found on Youtube. It also address some of the dis-information out there regarding the product. It also contains some VERY graphic images of some peoples wounds


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