Digital Currency Useless Alone And Will Need Consolidation Outside Of The Digital World


The goal or my aim in this post is to open a new line of thought on how we should get where we are going.  Through shouting this same dream over and over in hopes of gaining support.  This is not something I can do alone, I rely on you the reader and an open mind.... at the base of the post I have some links to previous posts touching on these idea's or moral value.

Many would weigh  on the debate of wealth distribution. The final standings would be something like.

  • 1% would say it is perfect.
  • 1.9% is high drunk or likes how they can manipulate the present system
  • 8% would not disagree with it and say it works fine.
  • 13% would agree with a change but they do not want to lose anything in the process.
  • 46.1% is the rest of us who just make it are slightly comfortable.
  • 28-30% Live in absolute poverty. They want everything to change.

It seems opinion is pretty much determined by your wealth. While the above is not a statistic I pulled from research, working of a global population and not a specific countries. It would be close to Global wealth distribution though.

  • The wealth of one country is more often at the cost of another or multiple. Wars manipulated with an agenda to plunder a neighbouring resource. Both sides of the war funded by the same people.
  • Populations held captive to the debt of bailouts. Of which are happening with a higher frequency. Companies too big to fail, If we let them fail the cost would be less then the cost of the bailout. The rewards from the bailout does not go back to the tax payer.
  • Citizens controlled by the inherent greed of corporate progress. The rights of the living sacrificed for the success of a company. The creation of currency by institutions for the purpose of enslaving a nation to its own debt. Adjusting inflation to suit the needs of it's own progress with disregard to consumers environment health or tomorrow.
  • Punishment is non existent once this scale of wealth is reached. Crimes against a nations people seem to have boundary as there is no punishment for doing so. The costs of a company negligence or disregard for human safety, is never paid by the company. This payment is made by those who suffered because of, or who will bear the financial burden after. 

This has been seen repeated time and time again. The assurances of those with wealth to those without that this is the right thing. Thing like lead in the gas for your car was not bad for you. Smoking used to actually be good for you. Different pharmaceuticals which do more damage then good to us, passing tests for safety which prove to be false.  By falsifying results or straight out lies, without fear of consequence. 

This can only happen when a people have no voice. This is where we all are now regardless of which country you live.  This is what needs to be changed. Steemit is a part of the change within the crypto currency, the crypto currency is also just a part of what needs to be changed. Or changing the method of currency will change very little to the way society is controlled.

The Digital world is owned by all of us, tho we do need to pay a cost to use it. Restrictions are also imposed on what is available to view dependant on local permission of the Server. It is time the digital world expanded itself and gained some reality existence. If we can do this on the same level as the ideal behind a place like Steemit.  Where the service is provided with the intent of benefit to all and not a minority. An economic social structure can be set up and run by the community.

Power is essential. In many ways power is what is needed. Then it is to grow that power, expand on it and diversify. Grow it and then compliment it with other attributes. This company should grow in a direction of the costs of living will come down and the assurances of the basic standard of living is guaranteed to all. If you cannot see this as a possibility, that does not mean it is not possible. I believe firmly it is possible, by not trying to make this change which I believe is more important to your children and their children then it will be to you or I.

Have you noticed with all the renewable energies and the implementation of some, that the costs to you have reduced none? possibly increased. The increase of finance in your pocket is seen as a loss for corporation and financial institutions. This is seen as monies they did not collect, thus a loss in the total amount they could of accumulated.

I believe we have to come together as a nation. A Nation of digital. While the ambition would not to be create a government, more of a government overseer in some ways. A strong group who can place pressure on government to reject corruption, and implementation of legislation to punish and retrieve from those who accept bribes or work in conflict of interest to benefit their own wealth, through confiscation of assets or other means.

Corporate crime and financial crime often carry a heavy price and more suffering then violent crimes, and the instigators are vaccinated against prosecution evasion and a legion of legal defence. Walls of laws created not to bring justice but to enable companies bypass regulation or procedure.

While all of this may read as I am up in arms about capitalism, that is not my intent. I believe capitalism has a part to play in society and a great part in advancements. The problem I have is the present situation is progress has a cost to many and profit to the few. Not everything needs to be capitalised, with progress we make more and more should become standard.

You will be given a free phone before you will be given free water. This is simply because If you have a bottle of water you will drink it and come back asking for more. If I give you a phone, I can track your behaviour and predict your habits sometimes behaviours you do not notice yourself. Then I can select the promotions I send to you which I am more confident of you following up on. I can profit from giving you a phone but to give you water will always cost me.

While wanting the best for our children, thinking only about our own children creates a tougher future for all. At the top of the financial chain, there is the few who refuse to share and demand you share and also pay more. At the opposite end are the ones who need it. Who at times have no choice but to resort to a means outside of the norm to survive.

Again, if you do not believe in the probability, can you dismiss a possibility.

I believe we can have a society, where we are all entitled to 

  • Accommodation. A secure place to eat rest and enjoy family.
  • Power/energy. Power to keep the lights on, a refrigerator going, a computer/monitor to run, to have a functioning heater/air conditioner dependant on the living requirement. 
  • Medical care.  You should not have to be insured against if you break or fracture a bone. A visit to your GP should be an entitlement (may have a limit to the amount of entitled visits per year or month). We cant have grandma taking up all the doc's time for someone to talk to. Though we could set up facilities where people come to listen and others to talk. A bit like what we do here on Steemit, but in the physical world,
  • Food. We should all be sure there will be bread on the table and a meal to eat. This is not a thing beyond us to do. it does open the question to why we do not.
  • Water. Water is an item been fought over right now for greater control. To this I would add the environmental effect happening to the rising oceans. (Something which also needs to be combated, which can be incorporated into a sustainable futures agenda). 
  • Education. Education on all topics available to all at anytime. We hear all the time that everything is available to everyone to read and access on the internet. While this may be true, there is payment required to gain access to the information.

There is more could be added to this list, like general community services. Before the comments hit, saying that cannot be done, it would cost too much, and all the other negativity. I would remind you, at the top of this topic I asked for an open mind. (No one will open the doors in your mind if you are holding the door shut as they try.)

Where will the finance come from to pay for all of this. Simple, it will come from us.

Let us suppose we set up a company we are all sure will produce a profit, If we distribute that profit more to reinvestment then to returns, the company could grow with the rate of profit. Top heavy bonus and luxury expense can be diminished from from the pool releasing more to reinvestment. Yes rewards for investment can be done too and to expect no returns on investment would be no incentive to part with your currency. The rewards from a company like this would be long term. with little or no return for the first couple of years. The early growth of the company provides for remuneration of original investment.

In a project like this, I believe Power/energy and water are the first two lines to take with investment. Providing these services where we can at a lower cost then present. The cheaper energy would encourage more to access energy requirements from us. Providing more finance and growth, these things are already happening, the rewards of which are not been passed to you the consumer.

Things change at an even faster pace and that pace is expected to quicken. If we come together or let others take over what has been done and control is the place we are in now. If we can organise part of what is here, take it and take part of what is outside and grow it. there is a symbiotic relationship to support each other and ensure the growth is sustainable.

One can not do this alone, but many speaking with one voice can. Arguments can be put against any opinion,  against all argument of negativity, I would say the future as a counter argument.

These are some of the things I strongly believe need to be addressed and changed to an alternative method of process and the areas I believe should be most looked to initially. I welcome all comments on the above topic. I only see the positive side of project this big and the benefits it can provide to all. How we get there, I am still trying to dream through. Who knows, If I can grow here enough, Maybe I could get the start up investment myself.

Please leave a comment, open more doors and perspectives.


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