Freedom trumps fear: Everything you do is an act of liberty


A small room

If someone locked you in a room for your entire life, and told you that was the world - that there was nothing outside and if you left, you would surely cease to exist - how would you escape this mental prison? Everything that you have been told, everything that you have always known, is inside that room. What is outside is unknown, except for the "truth" that has been drilled into you. When you have the opportunity, can you open the door, knowing above everything else that it will mean your certain destruction?

The Truth is, there's a whole world out there.

Fear, anger and paranoia

If you're like most people, in your every day life, you don't see rapists, murderers, violent criminals, terrorists, carbombers, narcos and gangsters, or even government agents. But you know they're there, always waiting just outside your field of vision. You've seen them - well, images of them - many times. The mental impressions have been pressed onto your brain with such frequency that they're hard to ignore. You can't see them, but they're there, waiting for you, so you must be scared of them, you must be angry, and you must take measures against them in your own way.

The images give you the feeling of weight on your brain, and the illusions grow with ever-more complexity, with layers upon layers, convincing you that any glimpse of Truth that you perceive is the real illusion. Love is a Hollywood ghost. Happiness is a spectre. Not your thoughts nor your actions can change the world.

Has someone structured an illusion so complex that it would baffle even the most hardened schizophrenic, unable to create even a mask of meaning in a world that seems so senseless? When you have the opportunity, would you step outside of that illusion, knowing that that path surely leads to insanity, to ostracism, a fate worse than death?

What is the Truth?

The Truth

You manipulated yourself into thinking that a trivial part of Reality was Reality. As long as you believe you are powerless, you will feel that way, and seem that way, ignoring the potency which is within you.

Images are just images. You are that part of Spirit which cannot be controlled. You are free, and always have been.

The Truth is, fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, and paranoia only make up a small fraction of Reality. Would you like to see the whole thing? Then go ahead, and look.

The Truth is, you are freer than you ever imagined. Every thought, belief and action which you undertake without being threatened - which is most of them - is an act of liberty, an act of pure will. You never need to seek freedom. You need only to accept it.

Follow the law. Flaunt the law. Dance, sing and smile. Be happy because of or in spite of your circumstances. Love fully. They can never take that from you. You are too strong, and too smart.

You are Yourself, no matter what they tell you.

About me

kurt robinson in the mountains of puebla

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, but now I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling Latin America, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool shit I post, follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox, and like our Facebook page The Paradise Paradox.

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Automation: An age of unseen prosperity
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Would you prefer to live in a just world? - An argument for liberty

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