A New Mindset to Defeat Conventional Psychology And Quit Escaping From Freedom | Part 1

 The sum total of each man's giving determines the standard of man's civilization. Unity of man has always been  impossible in a world of fear and discontent where every man fears every other man as an enemy  -- Walter Russell  .....  Action has meaning only in relationship, and without understanding relationship, action on any level will only breed conflict. The understanding of relationship is infinitely more important than the search for any plan of action -- Jiddu Krishnamurti   

 Over the last two decades, neurology has remarkably demonstrated that Consciousness exists outside the brain but has persistently been more interested in exploring the brain as a computer device. This left brained approach debases the uniqueness of the Self and can be used to induces faulty and harmful programmings. Neural sciences as a whole have embarked on a war on the Mind to bypass and control Consciousness. Moreover and not so surprisingly, Psychiatry adds new cognitive dysfunctions yearly to its lexicon, which are in fact the symptoms of an ever increasing Body, Mind and Consciousness disconnect. Epigenetic Research is about to change this but the academic resistance still is considerable. Consciousness is the Field uniting the Mind and Body but which is somehow neutral as the brain responds whatever educational programming, and if the programming is inadequate, Consciousness releases low level vibrations that also can affect the Body. Although matter is conscious, the understanding of Consciousness, at a human level, is not a given as the Mind must be aware of It in the first place and then from there expand. The pace of expansion is different for everybody, and this explains why not two minds think alike.    

The Fear Of Being Is The Invisible Part Of The Iceberg

Psychoanalysis' advocacy to break free from parental behavior and influence rather anchors the conflict even deeper as the emotional attachment to the parents play out as an resistance to achieve freedom from thoughts. By resistance it is meant that Power, psychic rebellion, must be used to detach oneself from the very bound. And this is impossible because Power derives from Fear. And Fear is but an illusion which the higher Self must surrender to instead of fighting it. There lies the explanation of so many therapy failures since 'Love is all that is' within The Oneness Principle and which is why dissonance cannot be resolved by another layer of conflict but Empathy. 

The blame game is a pervasive dualistic social template. Rebellion, or anger, itself is the obstacle as coming to terms with one's own Fear of Being, requires self-forgiveness to heal itself. And this is observable on a larger scale too. Revolutions, in that sense, have all failed their aims, the world is still dealing with oppression and a threshold is getting close to being reached. Freedom for Fear is to comprehend and process it. Less Fear means more Self-Love and more Self-Love means more Freedom and of course Empathy toward one another. One way or another, the Mind Matrix and the Cosmic Mind must remain in a state of Equilibrium - as much as possible.   


 We all share the same 'individual karma' which is the Fear of Being. And how this Fear translates doesn't matter as the environment always mirrors the Self. Years of couch therapies focusing on parental behaviors and their aftermaths are pretty much ineffective in this sense. Parental behaviors are themselves mere generational consequences of the Fear of Being remaining unaddressed by educational dogmas as a whole.   The Collective, the Mind Matrix, simply highlights the fact that unresolved conflicts at an individual level always impacts the whole and unless each human becomes aware of his own Fear Of Being, the Mind Matrix, cannot improve, and even worse, is the root cause of social upheavals. Just like people undergoing a couch therapy lamenting about their parents, masses whine about social and geopolitical issues.   

Earth Custodians call for the adoption of a different  way of thinking to promote conflict resolutions. Different but not new, because such concepts were already debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp the unhealthy mechanics driving people's need  for power structures, and as how to overcome them as well.

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