Electricity Governs The Brain And There Is Nothing You Can Do About It. It Is A Natural Law!

 "The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives.  We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity." -Jean Luc Picard 

'Blueprint For A Voluntary And Futuristic  Society' is a work elaborating on a set of guidelines to help make sense of the world's confusion. Why scientific research and psychology have to progress according to specific natural principles to avoid the pitfall of profiting from conflicts of interest and to imprison the thinking mode.

What are these Principles? They're forces simultaneously at play that humans cannot alter, therefore are they said immutable. There are 7 of them and which today are scientifically established as they identify and define the forces at play emanating from Electricity. The Electric Universe Theory is currently reshuffling Physics in a great way and is heavily documented on youtube. These principles also reveal Thought as a mechanism having electric properties because information circulates between neurons in the form of electricity.

Here below are their brief cognitive interpretations and why 'caring' about their influence is also 'caring' about planet and humanity. Blueprint... is thus a work helping reshape the mind patterns according to them.

1) The Mind generates everything: sets everything into motion. Holistic thinking thus starts with the awareness of the power of our thoughts and projections. Negatively it brings about 'mind control'. Look at the world today. Controlling  perceptions is everything! We must RECLAIM our minds. 

2) Life translated into motion: everything spins and vibrates. The spoken language is frequency, determines humans' thinking as wavelengths and literally can spin out of control if there is a lack of access to data, all of which also determines agreements or lack thereof.

3) Life if subjected to rhythm: just as wavelengths,  what goes up must go down, what comes around goes around. Tide goes and in out and seasons repeat themselves, What is neglected or ignored comes back like a boomerang. It amplifies either negativeness or positiveness, exponentially.  Ever heard that history repeats itself? 

4) Life sustains polarities at all levels, there is a negative dot in the positive and positive dot in the negative. Personal choices thus reflect on experiences, level of knowledge and therefore are all perceptions of any given moment. Hence the imperative need to remain centered at all time in order to avoid the pitfalls of any polarized (divide and conquer) arguments and an inner fragmentation generating confusion.  

5) Everything is a mirror of something, and called correspondence, which exponentially amplifies polarity levels and the principle of rhythm, either positively or negatively. External dissonance mirrors internal dissonance, and otherwise.

6) Everything is the result of genders, masculine contains some feminine traits and otherwise. Humans have a left brain hemisphere (masculine) and a right brain hemisphere (feminine) and are thus prone to gender control by 'group thinks' defining norms. The control of the masses through sexuality.

7) Everything is cause and effect. Or Karma. In a nutshell, any train of thoughts not sustained nor validated by personal responsibility brings about upheavals and will exponentially strengthen either negativeness, or positiveness.

Be careful what you wish for!!! All these laws are  exponential of course and will follow the trends that the mind sends into motion: only non-coercive cooperativism will bring about a long lasting peace. The challenge ahead is tremendous! The main challenge of a money-free future thus lies in the ability to accept their pre-existence.  

The word 'metaphilosophy' is preferred over 'philosophy' to distance itself from mainstream academia which hasn't done anything to prevent our unprecedented crisis. Well, and nor did sciences. Both fields must be entirely reassessed. Very few thinkers have tackled the core issue, they remain an absolute minority. However, 'metaphilosophy' merely means beyond philosophy, the philosophy of philosophy. And as we can see today, the realistic assessment that any train of thought not condoning 'Life First, it's Wholeness and Oneness!' is entirely validated by the daily planetary aggression, on a physical and psychic levels alike.  

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