Imagine the Potential for Life If Children Grew Up with True Freedom, in a World of Self-Design: Here is a Real Example of Children Living Such a Life We're Creating A Whole New Paradigm In Honor of the Children!

What are you willing to do for the children?

Do you any have children?

Do you know any children?

Do you know it is possible to give them a life of freedom, based on responsibility?  

Do you know it is possible to leave them a legacy that is way greater than the tangible property money can buy?

Very frequently as I sit down to write an article for Steemit, 

what comes out is my passion for children.   

I just sat down to write again today, 

and once again what I'm inspired to share is about children.

I continue to believe that to help the children, we must first help ourselves. 

Perhaps honoring their example we can begin 

to have faith in humanity again.

Following is a post I wrote a few weeks ago that was featured on the @gardenofeden page.    

It didn't get much attention at the time as we were super duper noobs, 

so I'm sharing it again here in hopes of spawning some thoughts to ponder 

and perhaps discussion about raising children a.k.a. raising ourselves.

I spent my day playing with the kids, 

and this post is the witness of that incredible day.

Thank you for taking a step into my world.

I hope it inspires you to do more than witness.

Some of the things I really loved about this day's adventures:

1 -- I got to play with the children!!!

2 -- The kids got to do what they wanted to do.

3 --  All of us expanded on multiple levels.

4 -- We rejuvenated a neglected sacred space on our land.

5 --.We didn't have to go anywhere . . . 

        all the fun was already in our own backyard.

6 -- We engaged in productive play that benefited everyone in the community.

7 -- It was a sustainable project:  no wasted time, energy or money.

8-- We had a FREAKIN' AMAZING day!!!

9 -- I got to take photos of some of my favorite subjects.

10 - I got to create another art project using my photography in 

        creating the post.

11 - I got to share my passion about honoring the children.

12 - You potentially got to hear a new perspective. 

It's true, at the @gardenofeden, such an example is led through awareness and dedicated focus on what is truly important.   Raising children in conscious community is an incredibly eye-opening experience.  This is likely like nothing you have ever seen or neither.   We are living the dream!

Now that I know it is possible to live such a life of conscious and responsible freedom for myself and the children, there is really nothing else to do but dedicate my time, energy and focus to being the change.         

What could be more important than upping our game now and raising empowered children?

~~****~~~***** Let it be our legacy! *****~~****~~~

I appreciate this opportunity to engage with you, Steemit Community.

 Let's talk about it!!!  

Please leave me your comments, questions or perhaps things you'd like to discuss.   It could be highly beneficial to dialogue!   

Here is the link to the @gardenofeden post:  

Therein are some insightful comments.

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