Travelling Verona: Rastafari Street Musician and a message for Europe [Video] @freedomnation

When I travelled Verona last time I encountered this talented rastafari street musician from Ethiopia who solo sang and played all Bob Marley's songs that I couldn't recognize the difference. He was playing infront of some lawyer's office and the lawyer came out and told him to move away but the crowd was so large that they started whistling at the lawyer and the street got stuck. He sang the Three Little Birds as a goodbye song and the whole crowd along with him, it was an amazing experience.


Europe is a truly fantastic place for all sorts of artists and people in general. It saddens me that nowadays media is mostly talking about "migrant assaults" giving the ignorants on both sides the reason to fulfill and realize their dreams of ruining other people's lives. Only united Europe is Europe in it's full humanistic value and tolerance.

If Europe sucumbs to the treacherous acts of individuals and goes Hamurabi, then it will not longer be Europe but a bunch of hatred-filled countries whom didn't have the courage to bear with two-faced criminals suited with some "religion".

My hope is to wake up, turn on the news and don't witness another "breaking news attack". Unite!

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