Could Steemit be 'The Change' We Want to See in the World?

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It seems that we humans have already lost our spirits. I looked around sometimes wondering if I am just becoming one of the undead... trapped in a society where we are forced to conform and follow that meat dangled in front of us. Forced to follow the pattern and believe all those information being shove down to our throats.

We become slaves to the jobs we hate so we could buy ourselves things that could give us temporary happiness. So we could just have a few days of holiday somewhere. So we could come back and post our glamorous lives on Facebook. We continue this cycle until one day, we’ll just come home feeling depleted.

The question that unites us, “when are we going to be free?”

We work hard to create, only to pay huge taxes in the end. So the looters can benefit, so other people can have better lives, so it would seem that we are in a much better place. We continue to deny this to ourselves, but in reality, we are not really free.

I came across Steemit, and it seems that everyone is enjoying what they are doing here. We are in control now. It's unlimited possibilities here. Not only the few guys are reaping the benefits. People can now be heard, artists don’t have to starve anymore, musicians can spread their music and everyone is free to expose their feelings while preserving anonymity.

And in return, people can be rewarded. Rewarded for the effort, time and creativity. Isn’t this a dream for anyone? When we are no longer confined to the rules of our jobs. When it’s our way, our life now. Such a good feeling right? Could this be the freedom we have been waiting for. When we are rewarded for our hard work, and we surely deserve all of it...

Steemit could be the change, but let’s hope and see. Let’s see if the same people will not ruin things for us. For us who have good intentions, fighting for the kind of life we deserve. Let this platform not be tainted with greed, corruption, hatred and power that humans are so capable of... destroying good things.

May the good ones dominate this platform, and enjoy the freedom cannot be found in the real world we are living in. May the people who ruin the good things for us be driven out of existence.

Can this be the world we desire for so long? We are now free to express ourselves without hurting others, to show our talent, our craft and be rewarded and recognized at the same time? That finally, we are doing something that we are passionate about. Something that will make us jump out of bed every morning, something that will let us go on living.

It is too early to tell, nevertheless I am here to stay. I will enjoy the moment and I will continue doing what I love. If I get rewarded for it then I will be happy, but I will not let myself be attached to it. The reality is we can lose things, even good things… There’s always the evil amongst us...

Until then, I will remain positive. Change is coming..

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