Freedom Comes with Responsibilities


Freedom Comes with Responsibilities

Freedom seems like this shiny thing at the end of the tunnel that everybody talks about, and everybody wants to taste it, but most of the people have no idea what it is. Freedom, as any other thing in life, comes with a price, comes at the expense of something else.

Total freedom means that you are in control of your life, that you can do whatever the fuck you want when you want with who you want, and as impressive as it might sound, it has a price.

In case my language confuses you, you cannot buy freedom with money because that would be too easy, you can make a shitload of money, there are opportunities. Yes, money can help you attain a specific type of freedom, but it is going to be useless if you don’t have the right mentality.

Look, I love money, it gives me a lot of freedoms and possibilities to say fuck you. Knowing that I have some money in crypto that I can cash out at any time if something happens gives me an ease of mind because I can cover all of my expenses with that money for an extended period.

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The Price

As you read in the title, freedom comes with responsibilities this is the price you have to pay, you have to take responsibility for your life and future. Freedom comes at the expense of you having an excuse for not taking action; it takes away your possibility of blaming the state or your parents or some bullshit like that because you don’t have the life you desire.

If you are totally free, you cannot blame your boss for not giving you a raise and keeping you at the minimum wage, from paycheck to paycheck, you have to take full control over your financial situation. As Grant Cardone said, it's YOUR ECONOMY, not the economy; you will have to provide for yourself at any cost.

Also, if you are free you have to take full responsibility for your actions, you can’t blame others for your failures, you cannot blame your parents or the harsh environment you grew in for the miserable life you have now. If you took a decision, no matter the outcome, you have to take responsibility for it; you cannot run away. You see, it’s easy for people to take the pride if their decision had an outstanding outcome but if they fuck up they always like to blame others, and that is not possible anymore if you want to be free.

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Attain Freedom

You have full control over your life thus the possibility of change is in your hands, if you don’t like something you have to change it and stop complaining and blaming your environment for your sadness.

We as human get born with freedom, but as we grow older and older, people start to fuck us up transforming some bright and curious babies in some dependent robots that cannot decide for themselves without asking their parents or bosses if they can or can’t do it.

Some are freer than others because their environment shaped them differently but because you read this post you have no excuse now, no possibility of escape. You either accept your shitty shekels, or you take full control over your life, take tremendous amounts of actions and regain your freedom, this will determinate how much you want it.

No one is going to provide freedom to you on a silver plate, no war and no politician can do it, nor any religion, guru or teacher, you are the only one that can attain freedom. You can be free even if you are in prison because the freedom comes from within, it's a state of mine that one can acquire at any times only if he wants it enough. You just have to take the decision of changing your behavior and take full responsibility for your situation.

Take constant action towards attaining freedom, and you will get it, at some point but do not ever stop.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.



This gif was made by @laabo-afolabi, if you would like you own customized animated footer, contact him on discord at laabo-afolabi#9957

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