A New Goal, A New Challenge, and A New Plan: THE FUJI 5LAKES ULTRAMARATHON!

Well. I'm going to try something "crazy."


My Plan for this Race:

This will be my first Ultramarathon, running 118 kilometers, around Mt. Fuji and its famous five lakes.

  • Steem-Powered - As with the last race I race, the Niigata City Marathon, I will be relying heavily on earnings from Steemit to pay my entry, transportation, and running gear expenses. Your up votes/curation are greatly appreciated! I will also be promoting Steem and Steemit dot com via my running gear this race, and I will post more details regarding this soon.

  • Step-by-step Documentary - Similar to the lead up to the Niigata City Marathon, I will be keeping a blog here on Steem documenting my training regimen, thoughts about running, training music playlists, etc. I am considering taking a GoPro camera with me and filming the actual race, as well as potentially making a post right here in Steemit dot com in the midst of the race. Ultramarathons are run at a much slower pace than shorter races, so this type of documentation, taking/posting a few photos, should be possible. At the very least, I'll be keeping everyone up to date right up to the starting line.

  • Building the Steemit/Anarcho Community - I notice that the running tag here on Steemit seems to be gaining some popularity, and this makes me happy. I hope that throughout this season of preparing for and running this beast of an ultramarathon, I'll be able to forge meaningful connections with like-minded Steemians, promote the Voluntaryist philosophy of individual self-ownership, and learn a thing or two about myself.

Ultimately, though, why am I really doing this, what most would call--myself included--insane, 73.3218 mile run?

For FUN. Because I feel it is part of my much bigger run, called "life." And I want to enjoy this "run" as much as possible.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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