Break Free From the Current

Ever feel like you don't belong? Ever feel like things are wrong?

Are you out of place? Or, is it that things are out of place, but you just can't put your cognitive "finger" on it yet...?

Many, if not most of us, are going through this life, lost. We merely conform and fit into the current and flow of the river of society that pressures us to go with the flow of the current. And to compound that, most of us have no idea what that even means to be "lost", so we think we aren't "lost", and everything is fine. We think we are "true", "good", "authentic" and "real" while we move with the current, swayed by the flow of society, conforming to fit in.

If things are wrong around us and everyone thinks it's "right", "good" or "ordered", we are pressured to fit into the wrong and accept the wrong as right. As long as we believe something should be part of the current condition, or that it can't be changed, then we just learn to be helpless (learned helpelessness) and accept the current condition as the "order" of our lives.

The illusion of "good" and "order" pervades our lives. Why?

Because we don't look at our lives honestly to see what is going on.

We accept what we have been told, and aren't curious enough to doubt and question the falsity, and verify the truth.

"Why do you think that Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?"
"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It is as simple as that."
- The Truman Show

This is the reality of how we are conditioned by society. We then act in society to create more of society which continues to create more people as copies to mirror society once more. Not 100% copies, but you can see how we all expected to conform to certain rules set forth by the establishment institutions, and mainstream media, that conditions us to think and behave from cradle to grave. Change is hard to implement in large numbers when the default is for us to mimic and imitate our surroundings, environment and society in order to fit in and be accepted.

How much are you questioning what you have been told about society? About our way of life? About how we live?
Do you really know if what you think is "ordered" and "good", is actually ordered and good? What principles of truth do you have to evaluate your life by? Do you know how to use logic effectively in non-contradiction? Do you know about cognitive biases and logical fallacies? Do you know about the trivium or scientific methodologies and how to use them to learn about reality?

When we learn about reality, we gain clarity of seeing things as they are, and then we can move forward to change them to be something better. Clarity allows us to find our true bearings in reality and where we need to go. Without clarity of understanding certain aspects of reality accurately, we wander confused and lost. We lack truth to figure it out what is wrong with us that needs to change, or what is wrong with reality that needs to change. Seeing things clearly, clarity, is to have light shine on it so we can see it. Truth is the light that shines for us to learn from and bring clarity to our lives. Then we can see better.

Back to the originaly question... something feels wrong. Emotions are signals. They tell us either something is wrong with our perception of reality that needs to be corrected, or something is wrong with the human reality we have created that needs to be corrected. Take the intuitive, non-reflective subconscious "feeling" from the dark unconscious, unable to really know what it is, and dig into it with the reflective light of logic and rationality to become consciously aware of what is actually wrong.

We need to have the courage to face reality honestly, in it's beauty and horror, positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, morality and immorality. Once we accept the darkness, demon, negative, evil and immorality is there, both in reality and in ourselves, we can shine the healing light of truth and morality to no longer be led or motivated to act by that darkness, and free ourselves from it's clutches we previously were unaware of.

This is a tried and tested ancient methodology that has been esoterically passed down through occulted and encoded symbolism. Knowledge of this process can be used to prevent such transformative change from occurring on the planet as well. Such has been the bastardized goal of these mystery schools that were all eventually infiltrated and their useful knowledge perverted.

Instead of helping to liberate humanity into enlightened though capacities, the controllers have been keeping this transformative process hidden in order to keep us under the influence and control of the flow and current of the mainstream. We just keep flowing along the current course that is set...

The stream of the normalized acceptability spectrum of our society and way of life, acts as a current to continue to produce the current condition of reality as it is. We are all picked up as objects in the current of the stream and flow towards the collective goal.

This is the natural tendency and flow of our lives, to go with the flow of society, and not against it, or risk ostracism, shunning and expulsion from social group acceptance. We are absorbed into the collective stream and relative morality of how things currently are. How things are, equate to truth. We equate what we accept as reality as truth, and as such, the truth is seen as "good" and "ordered" as well.

Truth, morality, and other higher principles of living, are often disregarded in favor of attachment to maintaining alignment and adherence to the collective stream, current and flow of the norms within society, or a particular social group.

To change with truth against the falsity in society, is hard. There is resistance to the change. Change is controversial. Inertia is a law that applies in our lives in this respect. Objects in motion stay in motion unless a force acts upon it to change. Society is a huge stream, with a direction of motion and lots of momentum behind it.

To change the direction of our lives and society, a lot of force will need to be applied. The force of truth, knowledge, getting people to learn, educate themselves, care for truth, etc. Information is what will change things for the better, non-violently.

If we don't apply the force of our voice to speak truth, nothing will ever change in the direction we know we can head in. The default for the current condition, is for it to continue perpetuating the current condition. The flow of the stream keeps going, unless something blocks it or changes it course.

Attachment to the way things are is powerful in our lives. Learning to let go from our attachments is one of the hardest life long pursuits to engage in. Attachment is root of suffering. We are attached to many ways of living that are accepted based on an illusion of "good" and "order", not because we actually understand why it is good or not.

This is why tings don't change, no matter who gets elected. Not real change. The current society, the current establishment, is entrenched as a way of life. Change is hard to create. Those on the current/old way, are on one level of understanding (right or wrong, true or false), and those who want change to a new way (for the better or wrose) are on a different level of understanding (right or wrong, true or false).

For any two or more poeple to move forward, they need to be on the same common ground, same level or page of understanding. The common ground is called reality, existence, or truth. If you want to get on the same page with others, you can do it on the basis of uniting on either: 1) truth, or 2) falsity; 1)good, or 2) evil; 1) right, or 2) wrong.

These are eternal dichotomies in life that we fall into, either with awareness, consciously, voluntarily and willfully, or unaware, unconscious, involuntarily and unwilfully. The choice is ours if we care for truth and morality, or not and ignore it, or go against it. The power is in our hands.

We have power, but it's being channeled and redirected into preselected pathways that we don't choose, and we are letting this happen. We can choose other wires/ways/paths, that lead to different outcomes, and break free from the current condition we are power up, giving life and making exist.

We can put our energy into creating a new way, but we have to see this potential, and seek to create, from a common ground understanding of being on the same page of where we are.

We are drops in the stream, electrons in the current, flowing along the channel of our condition, comforming and being conditioning by it. This is the illusion of "order", where we are part of an established "order" of the human world, and we think it's "good". Going against the current, against the flow, is not what most people do, and is certainly not conducive to optimal cooperation, success and survival in society. On the contrary, rocking the boat and standing against the power of inertia and energy of mementum can bring shunning, ostracism, or expulsion from specific social group admittance, or society as a whole.

Truth takes time. Think of a train and the time it takes to change course along the track. It has to wind around. A train can't make sharp turn. All that momentum is also pushing it along a vector path that needs to be gradually shifted. It takes a long time to dedicate to figure things out. And then there is always more to understand to gain greater clarity about our lives and where to go. If we want to change the direction of humanity, we need to take the time to learn, heal, grow, and then we as each of us changes, the overall path of humanity will change.

Truth takest time, and to get there, it is an anarduous and turbulent path and way filled with trials and tribulations of joining the eternal battle of truth vs. falsity, good vs. evil, right vs. wrong. Don't be afraid of going against the flow and current of our current condition. True, water doesn't go against or back up the stream. It's contrary to the "order" or "law" of the direction of the stream. But it can diverge to the side of the stream if it breaks free and creates a new channel/path.

However, to go against that natural order seems impposible. Going against the flow and current of our "natural" "order" of the human reality we have created, also seems unthinkable, unnatural, or immposible.

For many, it's like trying to get a water drop to go up upstream against the current flow. Try telling this guy to kayak up the stream of rapids:

That's how many of us envision dealing with how our society and lives are. We see it as unnatural and immposible, hence unthinkable. We learn to become hopeless to truly changing anything. We simply accept what we are told and how to live, perpetuating it as simple robotic automatons who repeat what the controllers want and "join the ride" to go with the flow that they are directing.

If we want a way out, there is always one way: truth. The only way to overcome, is through. Face it, accept it to understand it, then be empowered to change it. Knowledge is power to empower us to break the chains of ignorance that prevent us from creating a new and better world. We are our own worst enemies in many ways. We keep these chains on ourselves and create our own suffering in many ways.

Some of us want to be dominator, controller "masters" of other free beings who did us no harm, and still others want to be submissive, obedient "slaves". Some of us try to learn about reality and break free from being in either of these unhealthy dual schisms of consciousness that we are being conditioned to conform to, as guards over prisoners in the prison planet we are creating. Just look at the Standford Experiments to see how easily we conform to authoritarian master/slave dichotomous relationships.

It's a constant struggle to stay on the path and way of truth, and keep seeking it out.


Many people become lazy, pitch their tents, and don't go far enough on the path and way of truth and morality. There is more to learn. If you don't think about understanding things more deeply and clearly, then you never will.

Morality needs to be delved into much more deeply by everyone. If most of your time is being spent on a job, hobby, activity, or the usual things we do in our lives, then you aren't delving deeper into a more clear and comprehensive understanding of principles of truth and morality, are you? Time, attention, energy, dedication, determination and persistence needs to be channeled, if not devoted, to seeking truth.

Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.
Integrate with Truth & Morality.
Live integrated & connected.
Truth is one way – go all the way.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Date: 2016-11-09, 8:05am EST

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