Venezuela: The lack of opportunities (English edition)

Venezuela deteriorates every day more,Venezuelans are tired of disrespect government, the lack of opportunities. Venezuelans are in indolence, by a government that attends them.

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It is difficult to make progress in a country that a college degree will not worth anything, since the comprehensive minimum wage are 24.000 bolivares (24 Dollars) at current exchange rates, and strive for a miserable salary both?. 

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Where what little is earned, It is stolen by criminals, who they do not respect anyone and do what they please.

The government does not respond wing Venezuelans need, for them all it is because of the "economic war". But perhaps they are not guilty?, when they expropriate productive enterprises, to take them and leave them abandoned.

Venezuelans like me, We are tired of this situation; the country starves, there is no medicament.

The government denies us the possibility to express, to demonstrate at the polls, the majority wants something different. It is obvious that fear us!, to us most we remove their privileges.

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                                             My final message

If you President, it is a bit of common sense, to step aside and let Venezuelans decide their future. We do not deserve to live in such poor conditions, my people do not deserve to live like this!. Perhaps you do not hurt what Venezuelans are suffering?

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Follow me: @luisucv34

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