Pure Freedom: Surfed The Unsurfable.... And Survived! 📷 [new video inside]

'I'll tell you what freedom is to me. No. Fear.' - Nina Simone 

I couldn't agree more, Nina! 

Freedom is the opportunity to get lost in time and space, to disconnect yourself from the rest of the world and simply live the moment.

Here's my today's moment of pure freedom 💙

Freestyler - Living The Moment

What I love about freestyle? Zero restrictions and 100% improvisation.

Doing freestyle means following your heart. There is no storyboard and no script, just the unpredictable circumstances of life. 

When I arrived at the beach this afternoon there was nobody in the water. I repeat: nobody. The water was bumpy and the wind blowing strong. 

No school in the world prepares you for the unforeseeable. 

It's your life experience, your wisdom, your instinct and the uncountable training situations that prepared you for this very situation.

Thank you life! Thanks for teaching me that there is no unsurfable wave, that there is no challenge I won't be able to face ever.

"Freestyler - Surfing The Unsurfable" (3:25 min video) - Enjoy!!!

Yes, I was the only person in the water today. 

Even the lifeguards had gone home. If I was scared: sure! But that couldn't stop me. More freedom is almost impossible to achieve, at least if you're a surfer.

Today's experience taught me once more: there are no limits if you come well prepared.

'Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.' - Moshe Dayan 

What does 'freedom' mean to you, Steemians?

I'd love to read your answers while having an extra hot cup of coffee.
My body's still freezing and my muscles hurt. If I do regret? Not even a second.

Much love 💙
Marly - 

PS: If you've still not subscribed to my YouTube channel, then you can do that HERE.

Today's album 📷







Survivor | Happiest girl alive! 

All pictures and video taken by myself (original content) 📷

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