It has now been 26 days since my entry
to the steemit platform
I have had so much FUN..since joining...

The thing I have inJOY'd most is the learning aspect
it has been a long time since something on the internet
really caught my strong interest ..

I have spent 26 days ... trying to learn as much as I can
reading, googling, watching youtube vids, reading other steemians posts..
with a willingness to learn...

The opportunity to learn about crypto, who is involved, what does it mean, how does it work?
I would probably never have sought this knowledge because

I actually took a very long break from digging deep into internet happenings
and lived without a cell phone for 4 years by choice, I have no tv and limited internet happenings
and even less..actual human contact...
instead preferring nature..and ...silence..
and my own company...aside from my beloved...

For the most part I still live most of my days in complete silence (minus written or video sharing on this platform)..
participating doesn't sway me from the root of how I want to live my life
but allows me to have contact with the outside world on my terms...
a chance to be creative and share without it actually interrupting my way of being...

@craig-grant brought me to this platform with his youtube videos...I have watched his videos...
I figure for about 8 years solid years..at the least
and have always in*JOYd his sharing...it is his videos and his sharing that I am here...
Thank you Mista Grant! for all you have shared with me...and blessed me with...

While Mista Grant! is a major player on the steemit platform with HUGE amounts to offer people on this platform it is
his philosophy on life..and the world in which he creates for himself that makes me always want to see and hear what he is up to...

I am not a newbie fan of his but a person that has genuine interest ...in his mind workings...aside from this platform...
he is a very deep soul* and clearly lives in a world he creates for self and his beloveds...I push you to seek deeper into his world philosophy...and manifestation powers...for it is my strong belief this is how he successful in all areas of the life he shares with us..

While I am still a newbie...on this platform
I am still sorting through what it is that I want to share
so far...it has been dance, marijuana insights, travel adventures,and my forest happenings...
I am positive these things will continue..

Yet I am still unfolding in my sharing..
those that have supported me...from jump you know who you are...
I am truly grateful...for your acceptance of my sharing and letting me know it!!
thank you for the time you take to send me comments and allowing me to see pieces of your life..
It actually means more to me than
you would probably ever know as my true life outside of steemit

is actually very silent....with limited contact with people
It isn't for lack of friends or knowings of people
it is because my greatest personal growth is done in silence, in meditation and spending time in nature..

My posts here are but a very very small slice of my reality
but my sharing is genuine..
and your interaction with me is opening me up in positive ways

Blessed Love My Friends

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