Chinese State Run Mass Murder & Genocide For Organ Harvesting - Massive Numbers Of Non-Communist Party Members Abused & Killed For Profit: Professional Witness Testimonies At The ITNJ (Intl. Tribunal of Natural Justice).

Despite the massive sharing of information via the internet and the history lessons in schools that teach of the barbaric and evil abuses of humanity that have taken place in our collective past - we still appear to be largely in denial or totally ignorant about such an evil that is occurring right now in China and which appears to be increasing...

Until I watched this video I knew little about the huge problem of genocidal murder and actual organ theft for profit taking place in China. I had read about the oppression of Falun Gong practitioners in China years ago, but I did not know much more - probably due to the language differences, suppression of information in China and also the inhuman belief systems often held in 'The west' whereby people simply view the Chinese under communism as being sub-human and thus they are ignored completely (except perhaps when it comes to a brief moment of annoyance that 'everthing is made in China nowadays').

Having heard the testimonies presented to the ITNJ (view the introduction to this long session here), I feel that this situation must rank in the top 5 most serious emergencies facing humanity and needs our immediate attention. Due to the domination of China by the communist party government it appears that it is impossible to engage with Chinese enterprise without to some extent also feeding in to supporting the evils that this video and post will expose. Everyone who is participating in buying products from China can therefore be said to be (probably unknowingly) supporting evil - we all have the ability to effect change by our daily choices here.


Disclaimer: I have never visited China and am not an expert in Chinese affairs or history. If I make errors here I am very open to being corrected.

While many think that China is now a very capitalist country, what they are missing is that in the Chinese government's own description, they are a 'socialist' country which is the middle step between capitalism and communism. This middle step was part of the plan put forward by Lenin and others in the early 1900s in Russia to attempt to create an alleged evolutionary step from Capitalism to a more fair society. My point here is that while it may look to outsiders that China is somehow 'more capitalist' and 'less communist' in some ways than in the past - it appears that the actual political situation is that they see themselves in the process of leaving capitalism entirely into some form of new communist reality.

As you will hear in the testimony by a Chinese surgeon who describes being effectively forced to perform a liver removal procedure on a living man following a deliberately failed execution, at that time at least - the ruling party had an iron grip on people's minds through mind control and fear. The result appears to be that, similar to North Korea, many people act unquestioningly to follow the orders of the regime and those who do not do so are at risk of being forced into slave labour camps and worse. These are not stories from a time gone by, this is happening today and has probably occurred through the whole time you have been alive on Earth in this lifetime; for most of us, 'out of sight' has been out of mind until now.

Organ Harvesting And Mass Murder in China

As the testimonies here demonstrate, China's government has long been involved in one of the worst atrocities in living memory. It appears that they have been organising, at the state level, a massive program of testing their population to find the healthiest living people who are not members of the communist party - then forcing them into slave labour camps and holding them until they can sell their healthy body organs to whoever will pay for them.

The result is that while it may take years for people in America or Europe to find a matching donor for a liver, for example, in China it can often be achieved in hours or a week. This is not because they have an advanced way of storing the organs for longer than is available elsewhere - it is because they are actively murdering the 'donors' on demand, in order to get the organs. Anyone using China as a source of organs for donation is effectively then, a direct participant in murder.

Falun Gong

One of the main groups in China who has been the target of this evil crime is the Falun Gong practitioners. This is a kind of spiritual movement that grew very large at one point and which promotes health and particular Chi Gong exercise which stimulates energy movement within the individuals and thus which promotes health of the vital organs. Since these people also do not smoke or drink, their organs are among the healthiest in China and their imagined threat to communism (as a spiritual force that promotes compassion and opposes domination) has caused them to become a prime target by the Chinese communist party.

It appears that a high percentage of Falun Gong practitioners (at least hundreds of thousands of people) have been forced into slave labour camps and now form a living store of human organs, waiting to be 'used'!

Unprecedented Evil

The details here may sound like the plot line to a dystopian novel or science fiction story from the past, but it is real and occurring today. This is 'biblical' level atrocity and must surely not be denied any longer.

I ask you to spare a relatively short amount of your time to watch this important video and to take the necessary steps in your life to adapt, such that you do whatever you can to prevent this evil continuing. Completely ending trade with China might seem impossible at this point, due to the way so many of us rely on low priced products that originate there - however, the cost to our planet of inaction will be far higher.

We are one and the soul injuries that take place in one part of the planet will effect us all.

UPDATE: I have just made a new post that explains some of what I now understand to have allowed this situation to be drawn to the Falun Gong practitioners.

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul

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