What freedom means to me!

Freedom is being able to do anything you want whenever, wherever, with whomever you want, so long as you are doing no harm. Everyone has the absolute God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and Property. We answer to no one but God, so long as we do no harm. No man has authority over any man on this earth.

With absolute freedom comes great responsibility. No one is liable for your mistakes. You are 100% liable/responsible/accountable for every action you take. The human race is obviously not at the point where they could enjoy absolute freedom, because everyone wants their "insurance policies" at whatever the cost. People are willing to sacrifice freedom for security, and so, it is obvious, most humans are not capable of enjoying freedom at this point in time.

I could go on, but I'd rather keep this brief and to the point, I hope I've conveyed this in a manner that everyone can understand! Thank you for the challenge :)


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