Freedom Challenge #2

Challenge hosted by @sagescrub

#2 What is Holding You Back From Feeling More Free?
lion-female roaring.jpg
photo courtsey Pixabay

This question could lead a long way down the rabbit hole. I am living in a precarious position as I am trying to cut all ties with authority becoming self-sufficient and self governing. This is a monumental time consuming task as I transition from one country to another with the final goal being to declare sovereignty over my domain.

I would have to say that fear is my biggest threat to my obtaining total freedom. We have been so indoctrinated from birth to fear the authorities, to blindly follow where they lead us. The country I am currently living is draconian and machismo in its attitudes.

I have over come a lot of my fears and have manged to survive quite well despite being a widow (subject of another post). The fear is always there whether or not the authorities will or will not let me remain in this country. As long as I play by their rules, which change on a whim, I may remain. So far I have won against the bureaucracy, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

It has made me stronger. I do not bend. I peacefully stand my ground and study their laws so I am informed. It confuses them. I am not like other females that they have encountered. I do not play games. I am forth coming in business dealings. It has been a long time coming but I have gained the respect of my neighbors and those in local politics.

But I am still not completely free as long as I have these issues hanging over my head. I have conquered the self-sufficiency. I do not need a job. I do not have debt. I grow most of my own food and what I don’t, I trade with neighbors. I am the matriarch of my family. I am a Spiritual being. I am me!

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