What Freedom Means to Me



When I was a child I used to run as fast as I could with my head held up high and the wind blowing back my hair and I felt free. Free like the wild horse “Misty of Chincoteague”

I also sat faithfully by the window at my bedside every night longing for Peter Pan to come. A fantasy that later developed into the romantic hope that my knight in shining armor would come riding in on a white horse and we would live happily ever after.

But none of that was true. Broken and disillusioned by age 17 I desperately cried out for something more. And God heard my cry and promised to never leave me or forsake me. He told me, “The truth will set you free.” And so I began my own personal journey to uncover the lies that held me captive. Lies of the system, lies of others, and lies of my own making. Every one of them creating their own special prison.

There are times when I can rise above it all boundless and completely free. But before too long I am dragged down and have to search for the new truth that will set me free again. Each of us have our own path with our own lies to uncover and our own truths to discover. Sometimes our paths join and we have an opportunity to be a stumbling block or a light in the darkness.

As long as we continue to choose light and love and truth then we will always be free. As free as that little girl felt running through the field.

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