
I have really enjoyed reading some of the posts that others have put forward for this challenge, I was able to identify with alot of them and found myself nodding my head in agreement. It really shows the diversity here on steemit. Which really brings me onto what Freedom means for me.

Freedom for me means many things, one if them is being able to celebrate all the diversity in our lives, from the people to the places. Too often our differences are highlighted in a negative manner, but we all carry so much wisdom and skills that when celebrated can create something wonderful. Having the freedom to come together and share that wisdom, to learn from one another and to grow is something that is important to me.

As a mother, having the freedom to birth my children how and where I want to is hugely important and something that is getting harder and harder to do in society. It is a woman's choice and should only be a woman's choice when it comes to birth.

As a parent, having the freedom to raise my children without interference, including having the freedom to breastfeed wherever I want without being frown at. And also giving my children the freedom to choose how they wish to learn.

As a adult being able to be free of this mentality of always wanting to improve myself, to be better to do better, thinking I am not good enough. Unschooling myself and freeing my mind, and remembering that I am enough.

Freedom is living where the air is clean and not polluted. Living amongst nature, connecting with the earth . Being aware and part of her cycles.

Freedom is being in touch with my intuitive self and being given the space and encouragement to do so. Listening to my body and recognising signs that it sends me, not having to rely on others to treat or heal me but trusting that my body and my environment can do that.

Freedom to me is traveling, moving forwards in the physical sense but also in my way of thinking.

Freedom to me is being able to be at home with my children, watching them learn and grow. Being the person they turn to when they need someone.

Freedom is being introduced to Steemit and the ability to make money, allowing me to continue to be with my kids, open the door to travelling again and interacting with all you lovely folk.

Freedom is really living the life you want and not just existing.

Image Source: canva.com

Thank you @sagescrub for putting together this challenge.


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