Expressing Freedom through Freedom of Expression

I've been thinking quite a bit about @sagescrub's most recent Freedom Challenge Prompt, and my thoughts keep leading me back to the same conclusion:

I express my freedom by being myself - by being a feminist

Feminism means different things to different people, just like the concepts of love, of liberty, and of freedom. Everything here is my interpretation and my belief system.



I think strength is a cornerstone for freedom. We have to be strong and resilient to be truly free. It's not just physical strength, although that does play a part ... and I'll go off on an immediate tangent! Up at work, there's someone who has a habit of saying *We're an office of four women, we're not going to get on a ladder/move this thing/get dirty" and this annoys me to no end! That being said, the feminist in me reminds the other parts of me that she's just as entitled to her opinion as I am. If I want to get on a ladder, or get dirty, I totally can. If she wants to ask for help, that's her choice.

But anyways - yeah, strength. Getting back up again after you fail, and learning from those failures. Believing in yourself. Supporting yourself. Taking care of yourself. Making good decisions for yourself.

shes someone.png


Personally, I am so tired of people as a whole being defined by their relationship to other people. I also have the wherewithal to admit that going through a divorce plays a part in this, but I've always felt strongly about the concept. I never introduced my partner as my husband, I always introduced him by name & he did the same for me. I have been consistently mistaken for a dear friend's wife, on multiple occasions, which is fine to the both of us. People make assumptions when two people hang out & attend events together. Let them have their assumptions! ("To thine own self be true" - thanks, Shakespeare) ... Sometimes, too, if I'm in a petty mood, I will start naming off various occupations in the relationship. I'm the gardener. I'm the dishwasher. I'm the chef. I'm the architect. I'm the interior designer.

Who you are has nothing to do with anyone else
If you disagree with this, you're falling into the trap of co-dependence & that can get dangerous. But again ... if this is the walk you wanna take, that's your decision and I will support your right to have it.



Feminism has nothing to do with hating others. Being a basic asshole does, though. So don't be an asshole.

  • I don't have children and never wanted to be pregnant - but I support your choice to do so. Even if it's at an age I disagree with, because it's your freedom of choice.
  • I don't want to get my nails done (mostly because I'm super cheap) - but I support your choice to do so.
  • I'm not ready to accept my grey hair, so I do spend money on getting my hair done - but I support your choice to go grey, or to go bleach blonde, or to shave your head!
  • I don't wear a bra most days, because they're uncomfortable & there's not much there to support (I usually just wear tank tops with those shelf bras built in) - but I support your choice to get implants, to wear expensive bras, or to not wear them too!

How much do your decisions really impact anyone else?
That it harm none, do as thou wilt



I grew up being taught that respect was earned, and I still believe that. I'm still nice to everyone. I believe in holding doors open for people regardless of their gender, in picking (reasonable) trash up off of the street, in treating people in the service industry like people ... you know - the basic tenants of being respectful. I say ma'am and sir, please and thank you regardless of the age of the folks I'm interacting with.

I respect people who are bad-asses, like Sir Patrick Stewart here. He grew up witnessing domestic abuse, and now takes the time to speak out about it, and against it, in a very educational way. Of course he weaves his emotions into the story, and he speaks out as a supportive member of the reigning decision makers (old white men).

What are you doing today to be a bad-ass? Are you being respectful, supportive, independent & strong? How do you express freedom? I encourage you to read the prompt and write your own post!

disclosure - I found the majority of these images on Pinterest. I claim no credit for their creation, but the internet makes it tough to properly credit the original designers!

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