Stipend — A little Predictions for cryptocurrency in 10 years

What is Stipend ?

STIPEND — The Freelancer’s Currency


STIPEND cryptocurrency is proffering a huge change that aims to disrupt how job markets are currently being run by utilizing blockchain technology — a technology that would benefit prospective employers, freelancers, and intermediaries enormously.

STIPEND believes that the blockchain is a revolutionary, industry-changing technology, much the same as the Internet before it.

Freelancing on The Blockchain !

I welcome you, my dear investors.I would like to tell you about a very interesting and unique project Stipend ( SPD)

Stipend — Specifications

Algorithm: C11
Type: PoS/Masternodes
Coin Name: Stipend
Coin Ticker: SPD
Coin Supply: 19,340,594 SPD
Block Time: 90 Seconds
Confirmations: 10 Confirmations
Mined Confirmations: 91 Confirmations
Time Drift: 45 Seconds
Stake Maturity: 24 Hours
Masternode Maturity: 600 Confirmations
Masternode Collateral: 5000 SPD

Predictions for cryptocurrency in 10 years

People will realize that cryptocurrency is not a “bubble”; instead, it is a channel for massive unmet demand for private, sound money.

Keynesian fear mongering regarding “evil deflation” will be proven wrong as the truism that people must spend money to live, even deflationary money, becomes obvious.


Traditional banks will begin to crumble, much like J.C. Penny and Sears under the threat of Amazon. To survive, they will rely on customers who are late-adopters and laggards, among the very last to abandon the fiat system.
Crypto-banks will begin to dominate. They will be global rather than national. Most people will trust their private keys to these banks, realizing that there is no perfectly secure way to store them. Convenience and “good enough” security will be the dominant paradigm.
A small minority of die-hard users will continue to insist on storing their own private keys and signing their own transactions, much like a few people today insist on compiling their own Linux kernel or building their own PC.
Crypto-banks will be thought of as just that — banks, not “exchanges.” The fact that they provide currency exchange services will thought of as an obvious and necessary feature of any banking system.
There will be no government-backed “FDIC” for crypto-banks. However, banks will compete on security, among other features, giving rise to private insurance that protects deposits.
Banks will provide traditional savings-and-loan services, denominated in cryptocurrency.
Banks may automatically store your holdings as a basket of currencies and robo-trade on your behalf based on pre-set criteria. A deposit of 1 WhateverCoin may automatically turn into a deposit of the appropriate quantities of coins A, B, and C.
People will realize that fiat currency is simply cryptocurrency running on a single node where one miner can arbitrarily issue new coins. The largest transfer of wealth in history will occur in slow motion, as the value of fiat currencies drop to zero.
Unable to inflate their currency at will, governments will be forced to rein in spending. This may produce chaotic results including riots, coups, protests, political upheaval, and even the redrawing of national borders.

There is a set of alt coins with solid and what seem like highly durable use cases that fall into classes quite different from the use cases of Bitcoin.

Feel free to take a look at (Stipend website link) so you get to know more about the underlying tech and philosophy.

Start use STIPEND now, In 10 year, you will be gladfull for this tip.

With most proof of work cryptocurrency networks such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, there is a large wealth gap growing between the early adopters and newcomers.
As we move forward and the coin value rises this will only continue to grow further apart. With the introduction of other newer altcoins this can help ensure that their power over the ecosystem doesn’t grow out of control and is kept in balance.
This wealth gap is primarily due to the fact that both Bitcoin and Litecoin is limited in the amount of coins that will be produced making it a deflationary currency.

Stipend’s Ecosystem -

Ways to find work, tasks, bounties, surveys or even offer them are split between multiple platforms and have astronomically high fees.

Stipend believe that a decentralized, blockchain-based platform will be better and a more future-proof replacement for such platforms.

Because Stipend’s platform relies on the blockchain — all transactions, ratings and history will be permanently engraved into the blockchain which will further increase the openness and transparency in this market.

The evolution of money as we know will change , and the evolution of every industry all the time is fast, this strongly imply that Cryptocurrencies projects, probably in many forms, will be in our future.
I have faith in masternode platform because they already have developed an actual working product.

To see everything about the project, check the Stipend Official Website :

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