5-minute Freewrite: Prompt - Dirty Feet


"Look at their dirty feet, ugh, I wonder if she bathes them!"

She was standing nearby looking out at her children while they enjoyed sliding down the big slide. It was a long day and she was tired after grabbing groceries with her twin boys, after rounds of pestering end pleading, she gave in and brought them to the indoor playground within the mall.

A couple of poshly dressed ladies were gathered near her, chatting and laughing away at who knows what.

"I hope they are not sick, that boy looks like he's about to sneeze! Oh my heart, I better tell Sally not to play too near, I am so not up for a sick kid today... Sally dear, don't touch that toy!"

"Look at her shirt, it has stains all over. She looks like she hasn't changed for many days! Eww, look at her sweaty forehead, oh and those frown lines!"

As they continued discussing her, one of the bigger kids started pushing and kicking another kid who was smaller in size.

"You flimsy little brat, get out of my way! This is my playground, mine!"

The kid fell to the ground and started crying. All eyes were on him.

As the bigger kid was about to serve another round of kicking, one of the twins stood in front of him and the other twin helped the other kid up.

The ladies instantly stopped their conversation as they witnessed what the fuss was about.

"Oh, look. Someone has come to save you, flimsy boy! Can't even stand up for yourself, what a loser!

"You're the bigger kid, you should know how to play well. This is a public playground, it's for everyone."

"Shut up, cat face! Talk some more and I'll kick you, too! Now, beat it!"

"No, you beat it! Bullies are not welcomed here!"

The other twin stood beside his brother while holding up the crying kid.

Slowly, a few other children joined them and stood behind the boys while the bigger kid and his gang of friends started backing off feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, so... So you're going to gang up on us now! You better watch your backs, twinsies! If I see you next time, I'm gonna get you! You hear that?"

The ladies stood and watched quietly as she went over to her twins and gave them a big tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you, let's go grab some ice cream!"

"Yay, ice cream!!"

She looked at the ladies and gave out the biggest and warmest smile as they walked out the indoor playground hand in hand.


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics




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