Toys - a fiction morsel for freewrite # 185 - basket

Greetings fellow Steemians! Here is my 46th 5 minute freewrite (full disclosure: this took me a lot longer than 5 minutes). The prompt is "basket". I've already done a poem for this prompt, but just afterwards I had an idea for a prose piece... Many thanks to @mariannewest for hosting this daily freewrite!

Also: I didn't mark this NSFW, but maybe it's borderline so... proceed at your own risk ;)



"What's in the basket?" he asked, looking her up and down, his eyes ignoring the basket completely.

"Sex toys", Rosa replied casually.

Wolf looked as if he'd swallowed his tongue.

"Sex t..." he began, then coughed, almost politely, when he heard the huskiness in his own voice. "Sex toys?"

"Yeah. I try out sex toys for a living, and give the companies feedback so they can get it right. You know, like, 'this vibrator needs more speeds' or 'handcuffs not fuzzy enough'. That kind of thing." She rolled her eyes. "I know, sounds boring, but really I get to road test some pretty crazy stuff. Prototypes of the latest, cutting edge tech. Experimental designs. Some of these look a bit frightening actually." She cringed dramatically, then laughed and waved her free hand in the air as if to shoo away an annoying insect. Wolf was staring at the basket, evidently at a loss for words, so Rosa forged ahead. "I know, not the kind of stuff you'd expect somebody to be carrying around in a fucking enormous picnic basket. But I had to return it to Granny anyway, and the toys all fit, so..."

"Granny. You're on your way to see your grandmother?" Wolf asked, looking appalled. Even Wolf had scruples when it came to grandmothers, apparently.

"No no, she's not really my grandmother" Rosa corrected him, wide-eyed with sincerity. "She's my friend Ivy. She helps me try out new toys sometimes, just for fun. I call her that because she has antique taste in erotica. You know, Anais Nin, the Marquis de Sade, Georges Battaile, the Kama Sutra... Me, I like straight up porn, the kinkier the better." She grinned mischievously at him.

Wolf licked his lips nervously. "Ah... gotcha. So... you two are a couple?"

Rosa shook her head. "No, we're both totally into guys. We just like playing with toys. And each others' bodies."

Wolf looked as if he might actually go into cardiac arrest, and Rosa began to think she'd better ease up. Not that she felt sorry for him... Wolf had been aggressively, unforgivably creepy to just about every girl she knew. Like it was his job to make women feel small and vulnerable. It was nice to have a chance to return the favor.

"Anyway, I'd better get over there, I'm sure Granny's anxious to see what the latest crop has in store for us." She lifted the basket a little and gave him a winning smile. "See ya." And she sauntered off, feeling his lecherous eyes on her butt as she walked.

"Hey", he called after her, his voice a weak imitation of the testosterone soaked growl he usually affected. She half turned to look at him, one eyebrow raised suggestively.

"Do you... I'd be happy to help." He actually almost looked embarrassed. "I mean, you know, if there are ever toys that you can't really use without... a guy." he finished lamely.

Rosa laughed indulgently. "Thanks for the offer Wolf, but my friend Foster helps us with that part when we need it." Right on cue, Foster came walking around the corner toward her. The timing couldn't have been any better if she'd planned it.

He was tall and thin, but Abercrombie handsome, and he carried himself with the kind of confidence that made guys like Wolf want to beat him to a pulp, but also made them too scared to try. He lit up when he saw her, scooped her up and swung her around 360 degrees, and then placed her feet back on the pavement. She turned to wave at Wolf, then grabbed Foster's hand, and the two of them trotted off up the street, Rosa doing her best to contain the laughter that threatened to shake her entire body.

Foster gave her a quizzical look. "What's in the basket? he asked, with a tilt of his head.

"Sandwiches." Rosa could barely get the words out.

"And lemonade..." She slapped a hand to her mouth, struggling valiantly to maintain her composure.

"For a picnic!" And she threw her head back and laughed out loud, knowing that by this time they had left Wolf far behind.

©2018 Bennett Italia, All Rights Reserved.

horizontal rulers courtesy of @cryptosharon


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