An Offense To The Monkey King : Day 207: 5 Minute Freewrite

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Every time I eat bananas I have the feeling that am hurting the monkey king himself, I feel am depleting the food reserve of the monkey kingdom, my first experience with a banana 🍌 🍌 was when my dad took me to a zoo at a tender age, kids were all trooping to a particular corner of the amusement park and I beckoned to my dad to take me there, lo and behold, there lies a monkey in the middle of a crowd, dancing, hopping up and down, somersault at each bananas thrown at him he eats and dance to the tune of his instructor, if per chance you throw a stone at him he'll get angry and you'll get reward with a horrible stone throw by him too, kids with bananas were making friends with this monkey to our pleasure, I laughed and laughed till we left.

As years goes by the impression I had was that banana is a food for the monkey , the first time dad brought it home I felt awkward eaten this, the monkey king might just pounces on me for eaten his food so I was scared of the unknown, took me years before I could erase this thought out of my mind.




This write up is an entry into @mariannewest #freewrite challenge.

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