It's Mother's Day - Day 206: 5 Minute Freewrite


Deeper into the desert,
I go that fateful day,
exploring earth that gives me daily pay,
three days on the plain
I've lost my way,
no food, no water my spirit give way,
land all full of drought,
air full of sand
looking up to the heavens,
one last say,
if thou can help me get out of this place,
forever I'll say your name.

Like a mist, like a ghost came a being as I behold,
coming closer getting clearer,
a woman cloth in nature,
calm, lovely, graceful in stature,
No leg, all misty,floating,
looking up with tears replied by a smile,
"I am Mother Earth 🌍 " she said,
from her purse came all provisions,
devouring them all I gain strength,
It never occurred to me why,
maybe because its a Mother's Day.




This work of art was inspired by a prompt from @mariannewest in a #freewrite.

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