A Special Occasion - 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 30)

She had stopped counting the phone calls from her mother. If it rang again, she wasn't going to pick up. He was late. What else did she want me to say?

He had told Mom it was a good night. The stock went up easy and the night manager had left him alone for a change. Customers weren't being dicks. Clerks weren't whiny.

He'd be in the parking lot with the crew having a few. They had to celebrate the special occasions, it was rude not to. God forbid he be rude. It wasn't like anyone was waiting at home. It wasn't like anyone gave a fuck. It wasn't like it was up to her to keep Mom stable. She should have kept running when she had the chance. This wasn't worth it.

There were lights in the driveway. Oh god, oh god, what do I tell her?

Knock at the door. Go away. We don't want any.

There weren't any shadows in the back. No pathetic head against a window.

Police in the movies come to the house. They hold a scarf and look sad. He hadn't been wearing a scarf. His black windbreaker..no the jean...the Carhart? Which one?

A hand banging on the window...Shit! He saw me! I didn't want to open the door. I should have kept running. I didn't want to...

photo via flickr

For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - A Speical Occasion by @mariannewest.

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