Pelicans in a Pink Car - 5 Minute Freewrite (Day 56)

This was the last time that Lily accepted a ride from strangers.

All she had wanted was to see her favorite jug band two towns over. Now, here she was, stuck in a ridiculous pink car with Loot, Scoot, and Boogy. Three chatty pelicans and a bucket of fish didn't make for the best ride. She should have taken a bus. Oh well, the ride was free and she'd have money for after the concert. Her Grandma Frogg, who loved her tarot cards, was always telling her to "Beware the Pelican!". These three looked pretty harmless. The most danger she'd be in was getting slapped by Scoot's wing each time he tossed Loot, the driver, a fish.

They weren't really all that bad. Scoot kept telling her to ditch the show and come with them to their boat at the beach. As annoying as they were, Lily had never been on a boat and she was a little tempted. She glanced around her as the pelicans talked to each other in the car and wondered if maybe she should call her Grandmother and ask her advice. Then again, she was already in the car and her grandmother would jump down her throat if she knew.

Boogy was trying to tell Lily about the time the three of them pretended to be statues in a library when the car jerked to a stop and Loot exclaimed, "Well! Would you look at that!"

Lily and the other two looked across the road to see a pelican walking into a building.

Scoot squawked out "Is that Red?! He's supposed to be up in Salsford guiding tourists! Floofie's going to have his bill!!"

Loot chimed in dryly, "And his feathers.." he pulled the car to the side of the road and parked it.

To Lily's surprise, the three loony birds left the car and started ambling across the road. She hopped out and started after them, "Hey, guys! What are you doing!"

Boogy turned to her face full of mischief, "We're spying! Red's wife told every bar around here not to serve him. He's going to..." before he could finish, a chair came crashing through one of the windows of the building.

The three whooped and ran towards the crashing and the yelling. Lily looked at the chair in the dirt and the broken glass left in the window. Through it, she could see feathers flying and wings flapping. It would be funny to watch. As she started forward, the sign over the door, an unreadable scribble with a pelican's image burned into it, crashed to the ground. Lily stopped, thought about her grandma's cards, and turned around.

Grabbing her case from the pink menace of a car, Lily gave a little wave, then started down the road.

Later Birds!

This one went a little over 5 minutes. I really wanted to get to where Lily decided to walk.

Click the images below for some of my other #freewrite entries

Whiskey Hollow

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For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - Day 56 by @mariannewest.

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