Grandpa: 5 Minute Freewrite, Prompt: Artichoke



I leaned over his bed, careful not to lean on any of the tubes or wires attached to his frail body. I placed a kiss on his forehead before I stood back up and squeezed his hand, trying to stem the flow of tears until I was out of the room. There was no need to upset him.

"Hey, grandpa, I'm have to be going now. I need to pick up Lily from school."

He smiled back at me, "Okie Dokie, Artichokie!" he replied with the whisper that was left of his voice. Repeating our long time habit of leaving the day with his silly saying. It used to make me giggle as a child. I loved the time I spent with him growing up, especially when he'd moved in with us before he health deteriorated to this point.

I know some kids resent having grandparents (or in this case, great grandparent) move into their homes, but I loved it. I even offered to share a room before mom convinced me that Grandpa would prefer to have his own space.

Still, I would run to his room every day after school and read him my newest short story or tell him about school and he always had time for me. He would sit on his recliner and pull me onto the arm of it while he looked through my school work. He smiled when I made new progress at a skill I was trying to learn, he laughed at my stupid jokes and encouraged me through the hard times. He was never too tired or too busy for me.

Looking back, I can appreciate what a gift that was. I'm sure he wasn't always in the mood to hear my childish chatter, but he never let on. I felt like I was the most important person in his world while my parents were busy working multiple jobs trying to make ends meet. I was so lucky to have him to come home to.

Now here I was, a parent myself. My own parents growing older... and these short visits with my grandpa to hopefully let him know how much I love him and appreciate him. A quick visit every day before I picked up Lily from school. I bring him photos and stories and he still gives me all of his attention and his smiles.

And he always ends our visits with a sweet, 'Okie Dokie, Artichokie! I'll see you tomorrow!"

And I leave with tears in my eyes because I know that each visit could be the last.

Photo Source: Pixabay


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Prompt: Artichoke

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