Heartbroken: 5 Minute Freewrite



I stood in the entryway, my heart broken, watching him leave. He didn’t even bother to turn and look back, not even once. His shoulders were bowed, his head down as he lifted the last of his boxes into the backseat of his car. I watched our dog bouncing around on the seat, excited to get to go on this unexpected ride. He didn’t seem to pick up on the fact that his humans were feeling quite broken. All he could think of was the ride at the moment.

The tears kept me from seeing when I heard the car door shut that final time. The engine turned over and my heart fell. As the tires crunched against the curb, pulling away, taking us apart, it suddenly seemed so final.

A gasp escaped my throat and my hand reached out as though I could stop this from happening, even though I knew in reality it was far too late. It had been too late for a very long time. Tears spilled down my face, dripping from my chin. I thought I could hear them hitting the tile inside our front door as I stood there, staring as he drove away from our home. From our marriage.

I don’t know how long I stood there, not exactly. I just know that the porch light came on and I realized that it was dark. I blinked and looked out at the street. All of the normal comings and goings in the neighborhood. No one else stopping or even noticing that my life was wrecked, my soul was broken and my life would never be the same.

I felt my hand grasp for the doorknob and pull the door shut. I heard the wisp of sound as the door shut on my past. I turned towards the living room, now bare of his things, his touch. My mind reached for something, some shred of hope, some glimpse of the future, but there was nothing there yet.

Just darkness and despair.

For now.


And some of my other more recent posts:

Weekend Freewrite: To Change Our Fate


Sunday Funnies: When Cats Get Bored, Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: Puppet Making, Part 4 (Making Poseable Hands)


Try Something NEW Tuesday: I did a Rap Karaoke Video!


Fiction: Short Writing Challenge "A Dog's Story"


Photo by Patrick hendry from Unsplash

Sharing Our Steemit Work Space: My Steemit Office



Photos & graphics are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos

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