Day 22: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: itching


It was the final match of the 2020 Summer Olympics Volleyball and all of the years of preparation for Hai Chang and the United States men's Volleyball team rested on his serve, this was it, this was match point. As he moved into position, eyes down upon the bright clean ball in his hands, Hai thought back in that instant of all the games, all of the practice, all those Summers on the California Beach's diving for and digging balls out of the sand, it all came down to this moment.

Even though he was of Chinese origin, and though he had been given a traditional Chinese name at birth, Hai had never considered himself to be anything other than an American. In the first grade when a kid tried to tease him about his name a wise grey headed teacher quieted the class and said "Do any of you children know the meaning of Hai's name in Chinese?" "It means calm seas, or smooth sailing" she said. She had went on to talk about how the name was perfectly suited for him and why he was special for being given such a name. There would be no more teasing, but as in most children there was an affectionate pronunciation applied as he and his classmates grew up together.

So there in his moment of glory arouse from the otherwise silent crowd an admiring and confident chorus, Iching, Itching, ITCHING. He had at first been put out by the nickname, but when he realized that it was given with such genuine affection he soon became accustomed to it, then he preferred it over his given name. At this moment it filled him with pride and determination, this would be the best serve of his life, not just for him, but for all of those in the stands and watching on television that had supported and encouraged him all through life and the various competitions. He was going to win this for them right here and right now...

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Prompt: itching
Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
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If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post:

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