Day 33: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Hair


The following post is part of a continuing story using @mariannewest 's 5 minute freewrite prompts, but it is not completely written in the spirit of the freewrite limitations. I try to write in one sitting with very limited edits, but I take longer, sometimes much longer than the 5 minutes.

Here are links to the previous entries

Part #1 Prompt: "It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep"

Part #2 Prompt: "Ooze"

Part #3 Prompt: "great-grandpa's nose"

Part #4 Prompt: "a special occasion"

Part #5 Prompts: "scream" and "I put tulips under all the pillows, and then I set fire to the house"

Part #6

... Looking at the tire tracks at the end of the drive I saw that Jenna had turned left toward the small city of Mypawnik, that was the only place she was going to get fuel in that direction and it was almost an hours drive on this road, if she didn't run into any obstacles. But I didn't think there was more than twenty minutes worth of driving fuel left in the limo, so my guess was that she was going to be twenty five to thirty miles short. If she hitched a ride I was probably out of luck. But if she hoofed it she would be on bare feet, no way she was wearing those fancy high heeled shoes very far. That would put it at a day and a half before she made it into town! So if I could make it to the car, and if it had not been found, then I could get into town right behind her. But just in case I made another call and requested someone to keep an eye out for her or the car. I began my long trek at a brisk pace, no sense running the entire way and besides my head still hurt a little from whatever she had drugged me with. As I walked I began to think about another question, the pistol was still in my pocket? It was certain that she had searched me and taken the hard drive, but she left the gun. Why would she do that, was she afraid of guns?

I found the car just about where I had expected it to be. She had not even bothered trying to conceal it, there it was right on the side of the road with the keys still in the ignition. I popped the hood and took the cover off of the breather, then I gingerly poured a small amount of gas in the carburetor trying not to spill any on the engine or on myself. I poured the rest in the limo's gas tank save just a little in case I needed more in the carburetor. But after a few pumps on the gas pedal with the ignition on she fired right up. So I put the last few drops in the tank and stored the can in the trunk, then I replaced the cover on the breather and shut the hood. The only thing left to do was to catch my mysterious damsel in distress and retrieve the hard drive, no way I was going to stand before the Captain and try to explain this mess without that hard drive in hand. As I sat behind the wheel I detected the faint aroma of her perfume "Aerin" was the name I saw on the bottle she had pulled out of her purse when digging for the pencil and pad, and looking toward the passenger seat I saw in the sunlight one long strand of black Hair. Why did I feel a twinge in my gut all of the sudden, but the memory of those deep blue eyes gave me the answer, I was anxious to meet up with this woman again. But this time I was determined to show a little more control and a healthy respect for the power and charm of a beautiful woman...


Photo by : Jason on Flickr and License: Creative Commons No edits made.

Prompt: Hair
Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.
Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.
If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Thank you @mariannewest

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