Day 98 -Freefall: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: round is a shape

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'How many do you want dad', she asked indicating the cookies.
'Round' he replied
'Round is a shape dad' she said, concern evident in her voice; he’d been behaving rather strangely lately.
The barrage of tests, doctors, pills, prodding and poking which followed culminated in that fateful day and the two of them sitting in the doctor’s airless office. The diagnosis was dementia, something she thought at the time that her father did not understand, eliciting from him as it did, no response at all.
And yet that evening as she cooked his meal, he climbed from a chair onto the window sill and launched himself through the window, 20 feet to the street below.


This is a 5 minute freewrite for Thursday 25th January, a challenge by @mariannewest which you can see here:

Image is my own

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