Dogged: Day 75: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Dog hair

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They’d had to beg and plead with her to be allowed to keep him. She’d fought back hard but eventually, when they’d promised faithfully there wouldn’t be a scrap of dog hair anywhere for baby Bobby to swallow, she’d given in and let the dog stay.

This is what went through her head as as she stood, immobilised, as if turned to stone, a crazy scene playing out before her eyes ….her son screaming ‘mom mom’ and pointing frantically to the pool where little Bobby, just a moment ago playing on the picnic rug, was now immersed, his head bobbing above the water and then gone ......and the dog, as if fired from a cannon, bounding across the grass, diving into the pool and dragging the child over the side to the safety of the lawn.


This is posted as part of the daily 5 minute freewrite, details of which you can find here

Image: Pixabay

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