Nose Hair

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She stared at the headline in the newspaper 'Christmas Tragedy: Young woman beaten and strangled in North Dublin. Killer still at large’ and below it a description and sketch of the suspect; 30s, blonde hair, 6ft, South Dublin accent…. and nose hair she said aloud, you missed the nose hair.

It was the first thing she had noticed when he had attempted to seat himself opposite her yesterday afternoon in Starbucks as she swotted for her German test, addressing her confidently with ‘Guten mittag fräulein. Ist dieser platz noch frei?'

Thanks be to all that’s holy she was off men, and had retorted 'Sorry, I don’t speak German, This is my boyfriend’s and he’s just gone to the jacks'

Image is my own

This is posted as part of the Weekend freewrite, a great initiative which you can check out here

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