Day 124: 5 minute #freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: Snake

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I remember the first time I received the snake medicine card from a Native American deck. This deck is similar to the tarot deck by some people, however, the deck is also used by some medicine people in the First Nation culture.

As with any culture there are some people who practice using cards, while others make a different choice on whether or not to accept the messages being relayed by the use of cards.

I was 15 years old when I received the snake card, it is not a common card to pull and is considered quite lucky. I did not really understand what the card meant but it was explained to me that the card meant the following:

  • Transitioning
  • Healing
  • Connection to life force
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Rebirth

These aspects of snake medicine are powerfully transcending. The shedding of the snake skin and rebirth is a difficult task for anyone to achieve, let alone a 15 year old.

I found the card remarkable and went to work on the message being given to me. At the time I started to develop some spiritual skills and started journaling and sharing dream stories with people my age. As a teenager, this became an exploratory time of self-discovery and growth.

I learned quite a bit about astronomy and dabbled in astrology but did not get far with that subject. I made my way into tarot cards, but again did not become a proficient in the field. I did however find out that healing is where my life path would take me.

It was through the snake medicine card that initiated my mind and inner desire to find my path. If you ever come across a Spirit Animal - Native American card deck, take a chance and see what you get. You just never know where the medicine may lead you.

My five minutes ended here ...


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