Day 330: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: You walk through a door - what do you see?

It's dark. Alice had been running for a long long time now. The pathway seems to be never ending. She could see a dim light far far ahead. She kept running. She had been running all the way since she walked through that door. She thought that door was the escape way. She thought that walking through that door she would be able to get away from those scary thinny walking soldier cards. But now she doubted. Those soldiers were still behind her. Chasing her. Screaming at her.

She couldn't stop now. No. She couldn't. So she kept running. Hoping her mom would be there in front waiting for her. She regretted why she didn't listen at the first place. Why she followed the rabbit? Why she wandered away into the woods not waiting for her mom. It's too late now.


Added some door photos and a MomentCam selfie and a gif. This is my first attempt freewriting this way. How did I do?

Thank you for your love and support! 💖❤️💗💕♨️🐳 (1).gif

If you know nothing about this cool 5-Minute Freewrite Daily Challenge, you should check out @mariannewest's introduction post to this cool challenge by @mariannewest and @improv.

And as usual, I love to take this freewrite challenge together with the most dangerous writing app . Just set the timer for 5 minutes, and then just write. ALERT! Don't stop and think for more than 3 seconds! WHY? Coz if you stop typing for 3 seconds, all your words will vanish! YES, everything you have typed will be gone.

If you think you can't write, please STOP thinking. Just GO FOR IT! Maybe you can take a look at my first freewrite post. It's a disaster, everytime I read it, I ended up laughing. Freewrite is about having FUN too! So writer or not, (I know I am not really a professional writer), we all can have FUN coming up with creative little ideas and thoughts with this Freewrite daily prompt! What are you waiting for? Go WRITE your first freewrite NOW! Have FUN!

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @sireh and @skyleap

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The Alliance

The Steem Engine



The Freewrite House


The Man Cave

I am also one of the proud members of @ladiesofasia


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