Fun & Games: Restraints


**READER DISCRETION ADVISED: ADULT THEMES, Bondage: Things will be getting more explicit and more heated with each part of this story.

Read the entirety of Part One of "Fun & Games" Here

Yep, there was the Dominatrix, helping Charlene to prepare some of the “meal” for the evening. Michelle was shaking with the ridiculousness of her thoughts, The ‘meal’ being prepared, of course, was a lovely woman, completely nude, being tied down to a table that was almost waist high to the other woman at the head of the table. The rope patterns they were using were almost mesmerizing. The intricate knots over the soft flesh, digging into her skin as her breasts turned a nice shade of pink.

Michelle shifted in her seat, the throbbing, pulsing feeling between her legs becoming uncomfortable. She was almost glad that her husband had been coming here for the last month to learn the ‘ropes’ so to speak. She flushed as she realized that she would be getting restrained in some way and she shifted her body closer to her husband again.

He took that as a good sign and stood up, “Are you ready, Love?” He held out his hand and she took it. Her legs were shaky as a newborn foal as she stood up, trying to find her balance on her heels. It was time to explore. It was time to fulfill the fantasies he had conjured up in her last night. She was more than ready.

Michelle was hyper focused on her hand in his. She looked at his strong dark fingers, intertwined with her pale flesh, the contrast making her feel soft and secure as it always did. She loved how different they were in some ways. Just enough that it made them better for each other. They inspired each other to try new things. She smiled at that though, knowing she was getting ready to try something very new right now. It was good for her mental health to be open to new experiences. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. His eyes were hot, staring into her eyes with an intensity she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Let's take this room," he said, gesturing to a slanted table in front of him. It looked almost like a massage table, or some sort of exam table that had been propped up against a wall. She would have to lean onto it, giving up the freedom of being on her feet, but not lying down quite yet. That relieved her for some reason. She walked to the base of the table and felt his hands tugging on the bottom of her dress.

Holding her breath, she lifted her arms in the air, giving him permission and access to remove her dress. As the fabric slowly lifted she felt the hint of air touch her skin. She shivered and felt goosebumps chasing the dress as it rose up higher and higher. The room was warm, but the sensations were still hitting her skin, as every bit was bared in front of his heated gaze. Knowing that there were others in the room who could see her didn't phase her at all, which was a little surprising. If anything, it seemed to turn her on even more.

He took her hand and led her to the base of the table, pulling her hands forward until she felt the soft weight of her breasts resting on the table.

"Are you good?" He whispered in her ear.

The pulsing between her legs grew to a frantic pace. Had his voice always been then sexy? Yes, she was more than ready. She nodded and felt his hand placing something around her wrist. With a click, her right hand was restrained. She followed the sound of his steps as he walked to the other side of the table, his hand trailing a path along her bare back, up the curve of her side, along her arm to her other wrist, which he quickly restrained as well.

Her heart thudded in her chest. She herd the soft cries of the woman that she had seen being bound earlier. The hungry sounds ricocheted through her, as if she was the one tied down with ropes. Michelle wondered what was happening in the other room as the sounds reached a crescendo and then slowed again. There were moans and panting so loud she felt as if she was going to break apart from the emotions of it.

Now it was her turn. Her eyes closed, she tried to center herself. There was no way she was going to waste this opportunity. She wanted to experience every single sensation running through her. She clenched her hands into fists and felt the tug of the cuffs on her wrists.

For some reason, the realization that she couldn't move from her place made the ache deep inside of her grow even hotter still. She felt the table shift under her, until her feet were slightly raised off of the ground and the weight of her body sank into the table. She felt her husbands hand caressing her skin with an agonizing slowness, he started at her ankles, one hand on each leg. The calluses of his fingers working their way up to where her legs met, the fabric of the thong she wore soaked, making him groan when he touched them.

Michelle held her breath as his fingers moved on. Up her back, lightly skipping along her spine, until she heard his voice in her ear again, "Now, Love, it is time for your spanking." He chuckled softly and the sound inflamed her even more, "Don't worry, I promise it will be good for your mental health." She smiled to herself. He must be reading her thoughts again.

She felt him backing away and heard the sound of a zipper as he reached for the toys he had in his bag.

(To Be Continued)

Comment if you would like to read the continuation of this story with more explicit details than I have started with. I can get explicit. Assuming anyone is interested, that is.

This is my #freewrite for the Daily Prompt from @mariannewest I finally got to write two days in a row!
I definitely went over the five minutes today. My apologies. I couldn't leave the story in the middle this time!
You can find the prompt HERE and join in the fun.


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