Bored Stiff - Day 1 of the 5 Minute Freewrite


Long is the road, the world went fast forward, time and space stretched, spasms reaching the dark tower. Never ending, immutable. I start to stick my tongue out to other cars passing in the other direction. I start making faces to them. First or after someone will notice me and think that he had an hallucination, that the long straight and neverending road played him a joke. Like that time in the birches forest. Me and you, you were still here with me and being my fellow of curious adventures. That time we got really scared and escaped from that dirt road with our old car's engine whining for the sudden effort. Long and straight is this bloody road. We don't explore birches and not even have a coffee, let alone smelling your hair of a lioness. I'm bored stiff of this. I will stop this bloody car, leave it in the middle, the engine on and walk through the fields of this foggy countryside. I will stop it now. I will stop. I will.

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